Explore 6,547 companies in Sweden
TechBuddy has developed an end-to-end, digital platform for personalised, on-site/at-home and office tech-support.
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Welcome to IW. We are the largest independent brand agency in the Nordics. Together with our team of 80+ brand builders we create, evolve and position some of the most iconic brands in the world. We form true insight to spark strategy, design, communication and digital experiences capable of making
Raw Fury is a video game publisher that designs and publishes indie games. Its games include atomicrops, whispers of a machine, and night call that features hand-painted 640x360 graphics, a story with existential twists and multiple endings, enabling users to play and enjoy games.The company was fou
Skatteverket - Tillsammans gör vi samhället möjligt
Polymer Factory is a provider of advanced dendritic and polymeric materials, plus a contract research company.
Vi på Order Nordic är en av Sveriges ledande distributör inom hemelektronik i Norden. Vi erbjuder våra kunder ett brett sortiment på ca 10 000 artiklar och 350 varumärken som vi levererar till hela Norden från vårt högautomatiserade lager i Helsingborg. Vår vision är att skapa attraktiva affärsmöjli
MnO International AB is a fashion distribution company representing a diversity of brands towards primarily the Scandinavian market but in increasing capacity towards the entire European market. Besides an in-house sales staff of 30 full-time employees, MnO has partnered with a large number of leadi
The Swedish Intellectual Property Office, PRV, work to protect cutting edge ideas to promote Sweden's growth and competitiveness. We support innovations through patent, design and trademark protection. Copyright issues also fall within our area of operation. By increasing knowledge and awareness we
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Piktiv specializes in developing excellent solutions to the trickiest problems our clients have. Complex, demanding systems where requirements for performance, efficiency, security and experience are sky-high. Our customers are often found in the gaming, finance and experience industries. We go bey
As part of ISO and CEN, SIS manages a network of experts who work to create international standards. With us, private industry and public-sector stakeholders can take initiatives and collaborate on best practices that promote Sweden’s competitiveness and encourage smart, sustainable development.
We manufacture PCBA's, sub-assemblies and box build products on assignment from customers. Our services extend end-to-end through the value chain, from design
Kvdbil is a platform for the marketing of new and used cars and heavy vehicles.
Cancerfondens vision är att besegra cancer. Målet är att färre ska drabbas och fler överleva. För att nå dit arbetar vi med forskningsfinansiering, kunskapsspridning och påverkansarbete.
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Lundin Energy AB, formerly Lundin Petroleum AB is a Sweden-based oil and gas exploration and production Company. The Company's main business is the exploration, the development of, and the production of oil and gas. The Company maintains a portfolio of oil and gas production assets and development p
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McNeil AB är ett ledande läkemedelsföretag som tillverkar Nicorette-produkter för den globala marknaden. Våra produkter – som finns i över 80 länder – hjälper människor världen över att sluta med tobak och leva hälsosammare liv. Förutom tillverkning har vi även en global enhet för forskning och utve
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NE / Brockhaus aims to be the leading digital education provider in its markets. We are a SaaS in the educational sector, mainly focused on B2B (schools and districts).By combining our great content assets with leading technology we are providing innovative and user-friendly services for teachers an
Chordate Medical is a medical technology company that has developed, patented and CE-marked a neuromodulation and drug-free treatment technology for chronic migraine and chronic nasal congestion (rhinitis), Ozilia™ Migraine. The treatment has clinically proven efficacy according to a recent study, a
Purspot is a Swedish Fintech company. We offer modern order and payment solutions for retail. Our solutions simplify and make everyday life for merchants more cost-effective while digitizing your customer journey. With the help of our partners, some of the major Swedish banks and financial players,
“Mti” is Swahili for tree, which symbolically represents MTI’s focus on growing companies--with the potential to bear fruit from our long-term efforts of investing, coaching, and monitoring our portfolio companies. MTI Investment is a Tanzanian/Nordic investment company founded by Professor Trond R
Castra Syd AB is an entrepreneurial driven consulting group in IT, management and industrial technology.
Optilon helps company by increasing revenue through an efficient flow, simplifying complex situations with digital solutions and giving employees more time and ability to improve the business.
Content Online provides you with essential and leading research from some of the world’s most influential publishers, working every day towards the betterment of humanity. On behalf of leading scholarly and society publishers, Content Online can provide resources including; journals, conference proc
Lokalvård, städ, städning, städtjänster till företag och offentlig sektor. Arbetsplatsservice, vaktmästeri, Facility Management, FM-tjänster.
Ljusgarda is a vertical farming company operating in the Nordic region, with a facility in Tibro, Sweden, and another facility under construction. The vertical farms use renewable energy, circular water irrigation while replacing the use of soil by using a nutrient mix in its water system, where enz
Kungliga Operan består av Kungliga Hovkapellet, Kungliga Operans kör och Kungliga Baletten. Tillsammans skapar vi upplevelser för vuxna, unga, barn och familjer.
We enable our customers to design better products, reduce risk, and accelerate time to market.
Auctionet is a marketplace where auction houses from all over Europe sells furniture, art, design items, collectibles and more.
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Omocom provides much more than just digital insurance.
Ryds Bilglas är den ledande svenska aktören inom reparation och byte av bilglas. Företaget grundades 1947 i Sundsvall av familjen Ryd och är idag verksamt över hela Sverige, med fler än 140 verkstäder och ca 400 anställda. Ryds Bilglas är en del av koncernen Cary Group AB. Med nära till kunden, högk
Responsible for the distribution of morning papers in the Stockholm area. We also distribute a number of other printed products such as magazines and weekly newspapers. If you are searching for a high quality distibutor with every days access to the entire greater Stockholm area, you´ve found it.
Pema People is expert in staffing and staff. A unique opportunity for customers. Combined with innovation, flexibility, and responsiveness to customer needs, that philosophy results in staffing and staffing solutions that really make a difference.
Vi levererar fastigheter till några av Sveriges, Norges och Finlands viktigaste människor. I våra lokaler arbetar personal som utbildar våra barn, tar hand om våra äldre och bidrar till ett tryggt samhälle.
Intro automates search, screening, and outreach. Their search engine matches the recruiter at the company with suitable candidates automatically. This allows for a recruiting process that is faster and accurate.
The all-in-one platform that lets advertisers manage their media investments. Ensure consistent media data across markets, monitor the status of your media business, and foster collaboration with media partners. Used by over 500 advertisers to manage performance at a global and local level across
Future Talent Council is a global strategy group focused on understanding and influencing the future of talent and work. We engage the foremost educational, political and business leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Global talent leaders collaborating within the Future
Vi är inget vanligt arkitektkontor. För oss handlar arkitektur inte om byggnaden. Eller inredningen. Eller ens om omgivningen. För oss är arkitektur en möjlighet till förändring. Där andra ser en tomt, ser vi ett tillfälle att skapa en fantastisk plats. Till glädje för både dagens och framtidens
Sysav, South Scania Waste Company, receives, reuses, recycles and treats waste from all households in the 14 owner municipalities where more than 726, 000 inhabitants live. Sysav applies an eco-cycle perspective, and its various treatment methods are based on sound knowledge. Waste must be regarde
MediCheck is a multi-market service providing people with a shortcut to medical specialists online.
ALEA Kompetens grundades 2014 för att hjälpa personer som behöver lära sig svenska och/eller få en kompetenshöjning för att kunna ta klivet in i ett arbete och etablera sig i samhällslivet. Redan från start hade bolaget gedigen erfarenhet av utbildning och arbetsmarknad. Hos oss arbetar lärare och r
INVID är en proaktiv IT-partner och rådgivare som förenklar och förbättrar. Med vår erfarenhet och kompetens får du en bekvämare vardag och lösningar som stödjer och utvecklar din affär. Som partner är vi engagerade och vi hör av oss med jämna mellanrum för att säkerställa att allt fungerar som
Conmore offers mechanical design, project management, electronics, and software development. Their customers contact through email, phone, and online applications.
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NordicBranch is a Venture Catalysts and Marketing As A Service agency helping companies accelerate their growth in a digital world of increased competition and fewer permanently employed.
Xbrane is a biopharmaceutical company specialized in high demand complex generics.The segment have a high entry barrier, driven by high production complexity and the need of specific Know-How. Xbrane currently possess it own expertise within production of complex generics with slow release formulati
TOMORROW'S TECHNOLOGY TODAY Innovative manufacturing solutions to reduce the cost per part and increase overall capacity. MODIG develops and produces high-performance machines for leading industries, including aerospace, automotive, energy, space, construction, and heavy equipment. All From One Sou
Region Uppsala hjälper alla i länet att vara friska och må bra. Vi erbjuder en jämlik och jämställd hälso- och sjukvård präglad av hög kvalitet och stor omtanke, där man får snabb hjälp och där pengarna används på bästa möjliga sätt. Vi har över 11 500 anställda och vi arbetar med hälso- och sjukv
Connect is an entrepreneurial company that provides networked products and services such as internet, email, file storage, and sharing.
Norden is the world’s leading supplier of high-performance tube filling systems. Every year we supply 150 packaging systems to every corner of the world, which in one way or another are designed and built specifically to meet the requirements of each customer. Today 5,000 Norden machines around the
Mynewsdesk is the world's leading all-in-one brand newsroom and multimedia PR platform. An online newsroom lets you create and publish your multimedia content in one search optimised space on your brand's website. It also allows you to instantly syndicate all of your content to your social media cha