Explore 9,032 companies in Charity
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs is a national charity that supports anyone concerned about someone else’s alcohol or drug use in Scotland. We give information and advice to many people and help them with confidence, communication, general wellbeing, and we link them into local suppor
The Somali Family Safety Task Force is a nonprofit community-based-organization (CBO) located in the NewHolly neighborhood in Seattle, WA that serves refugee and immigrant women and their families. Not only are we community based but we are also community driven. Our founders as well as the majority
The Gardens At Calvary is a company based out of 7595 Moon Rd, Columbus, Georgia, United States.
Sinds 2000 maken wij ons hard voor mensen die dak- of thuisloos zijn of dreigen te raken. Of voor vrouwen die slachtoffer zijn van huiselijk geweld of mensenhandel. Wij helpen hen om hun problemen aan te pakken, zodat zij uiteindelijk weer volwaardig kunnen meedraaien in de samenleving. Daarbij geld
Students International does long-term, on-going community development in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Fiji through the full-time staff missionaries serving in those countries. In addition, outreach participants join our missionaries on short-term or semester programs
The Haven is a community funded shelter in conjunction with Women's Community Services providing a complete wraparound service to protect and uplift a woman and her children in times of crisis.
The mission of the Elmbrook Humane Society provide shelter for homeless animals, promote the human animal bond, and prevent animal cruelty and neglect. Elmbrook Humane Society is a No Kill organization. According to Maddie's Fund it means that we save all healthy, treatable, and manageable animals.
Putting the 'unity' in the community since 1966. Finger Lakes Community Action wants to spread our message of hope and compassion. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Coordinating resources to empower and i
The 57th Presidential Inaugural weekend will kick off with a National Day of Service, a tradition started by the Obamas at the President’s first Inauguration in 2009. President Obama will ask Americans across the country to organize and participate in service projects in their communities on Saturda
Somos uma organização humanitária franciscana de enfrentamento ao sofrimento humano. Combatemos a fome, o frio, a febre (Covid-19) e a falta de oportunidades e direitos junto a grupos altamente vulneráveis, como a população de rua, imigrantes refugiados, crianças pobres e idosos sozinhos. No perío
Local First was officially founded in 2008 as a 501c6 to work with the local, independent business community in La Plata County to create an economy that values the people, the planet, and prosperity for everyone. But why does local and independent matter? “Local” means that the business physicall
KULA's Shop.Earn.Donate platform makes it easier than ever for schools and causes to raise money.
KinoLore Productions is a premier video production company serving nonprofits and charities around the world. We focus on empowering communities through high-quality, story-centric video production.
We are an impact-based brunch boutique located in Oklahoma. The vision of syrup. is to have a delicious breakfast with local and global impact. It may look different throughout the years: assisting an orphanage, disaster relief, digging clean water wells, supporting missionaries, and providing for
We collect donations of discarded tee shirts, strip them, then use traditional hand-operated looms to weave them into interior decor pieces and accessories. We train and employ women in Holyoke with limited work opportunities. As part of our production team, women gain the opportunity to earn a payc
Pathways provides comprehensive support services designed to help women and children experiencing homelessness regain stability and achieve self-sufficiency. Our programs offer essential resources and a nurturing environment to foster growth and empowerment. In the early 1980s, the number of wome
The Give Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated towards helping everyday people become philanthropists.
Our mission is to rescue cats before they're abandoned outside by giving cat guardians the option to surrender the cats they can't care for, and to educate adopters on how to safely and adequately care for cats during adoption process.
Na'amat Canada is a registered Canadian charity and a part of a worldwide progressive women's organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for women, children and families in Israel and around the globe. With branches in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia, our members
Aldeas Infantiles SOS es una organización austriaca de ayuda a la infancia, presente en 132 países desde 1949, sin ánimo de lucro, no gubernamental e independiente. Es miembro de la UNESCO y cuenta con un asesor permanente en el Consejo Económico y Social de la ONU.
The Metro East MRC is part of a national network of volunteers comprised of 989 community-based units and almost 200,000 volunteers. MRC volunteers include medical and public health professionals, as well as community members without healthcare backgrounds. The Metro East MRC covers 19 communities i
The Sitaram Jindal Foundation (SJF), formerly known as SJ Jindal Trust, established in 1969 is a charitable organization with the humanitarian objective of serving the poor and downtrodden in various fields. True to the inspiring ideals and values of its founder Dr. Sitaram Jindal, the Foundation ha
The purpose of the Black Feminist Fund (BFF) is to significantly increase the resources available to Black feminist movements globally, contributing to strengthening their sustainability and resilience. The BFF is an unprecedented funding mechanism connecting Black women donors to grassroots Blac
El Banco de Alimentos Puebla es una Fundación de Beneficencia Privada no lucrativa, con más de 27 años de trayectoria, transformado la vida de muchas familias, rescatando y distribuyendo alimentos confiables a personas vulnerables con inseguridad alimentaria en los estados Puebla y Tlaxcala.
Who are we? Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia was established in the 1970’s by a group of concerned parents. The Association was a self-help organisation, holding regular meetings to share information, purchase equipment and fundraise to support research into cystic fibrosis. In essence the wo
Co-operative Housing Ireland (CHI) is the national organisation representing, promoting and developing co-operative housing in Ireland. Since its foundation in 1973, CHI has provided over 8,000 homes through home-ownership, shared ownership and social rented co-operatives. Today, we own and manage m
Established in 1992 to foster diversity and raise awareness by serving as a liaison between the non-Hispanic and Hispanic communities, the Hispanic League improves the quality of life for Hispanics/Latinos through promoting community inclusion, education, health and multicultural understanding with
The Red Cross EU Office represents National Red Cross Societies in the EU, the Norwegian Red Cross, the Icelandic Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) before EU decision-makers and stakeholders. It works to increase Red Cross influence on EU polic
The Collective for Hope combines the strength of its program brands (Grief's Journey, HEALing Embrace, and Ted E. Bear Hollow) and co-located services to lead response to loss, elevate the value of grief companionship, and promote healthy survivorship.
Enods is an online platform that uses digital commerce to help causes and non-profits compliment their fundraising efforts.
Helsingin NMKY (Nuorten Miesten Kristillinen Yhdistys) On perustettu vuonna 1889. Sen perustajajäseniä olivat mm. Sakari Topelius ja Arthur Hjelt. Helsingin NMKY tunnetaan työstään nuorisotyön uranuurtajana. Helsingin NMKY on ollut käynnistämässä merkittäviä työmuotoja historiansa aikana. Näistä tun
Vamos más allá conectando nuestros clientes a las mejores marcas, con el compromiso constante de mejorar la calidad de vida para todos.
LVWB Fundraising helpt al ruim 20 jaar culturele en maatschappelijke organisaties om hun doelen en ambities te realiseren door goede wervingsplannen te maken en uit te voeren. We zijn goed thuis in alle vormen van relatiegericht werven. Van sponsors tot vaste donateurs, vrienden, mecenaat en grote
H.M. Queen Silvia's Foundation works to provide the world’s most vulnerable children with a good education, healthcare and care, as well as the possibility to feel happy and secure during their childhood.
Housemark is here to give you greater confidence to make decisions that make a difference – for your customers, for your people and for your business. We're jointly owned by the Chartered Institute of Housing and the National Housing Federation - two social housing sector not-for-profit organisatio
The world is at a turning point. People everywhere understand and support the idea of gender equality. They know it’s not just a women’s issue, it’s a human rights issue. HeForShe is an invitation for men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women to create a bold, visible and unite
Making community services work in a digital age. Formally known as Code for Chicago.
Heroic Media is Ads connect women seeking help to Pro-Life Facilities.
At A Good Turn, we transform surplus inventory into community impact through sustainable donation solutions. By reducing textile waste and supporting ESG goals, we help businesses and nonprofits create lasting change while benefiting local charities. Join us in turning small actions into big results
L’Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte est un établissement public financée par la Loterie Nationale. Elle assume un rôle important en matière d’organisation et de financement de projets et d’initiatives d’intérêt général au Luxembourg. Initialement créée pour venir en aide aux vic
We help nonprofits set up and clean up CRM systems to reduce data and workflow inconsistencies, save 200+ staff-hours monthly, cut manual data entry by 65%, and improve fundraising outcomes through actionable donor and programmatic insights. With our roots in nonprofit work, we guarantee results wi
“Pioneer exists to take the gospel into new places and spaces.” Who We Are Pioneer is a relational network that connects, inspires and equips churches in the UK and globally Our Vision We want to play our part in the re-evangelisation of the nations, plant new churches, equip existing churches,
the Black Collective Foundation exists to Build black philanthropic power to strengthen the ecosystem of Black-led social, political, and economic change in Minnesota and beyond.
WIR SIND WEGBEGLEITER. Das UNIONHILFSWERK wurde 1947 aus gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung gegründet. Mit rund 3.000 Mitarbeiter*innen und etwa 900 Freiwilligen leisten wir bis heute Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in den verschiedensten Bereichen. Zu unseren Dienstleistungen gehören unter anderem Kindertag
The Foundation is a bridge between the private resources of the community and the needs of the classroom. We fund educational programs and projects through fundraising to award grants to employees of Whitehouse ISD. We want to empower our educators, encourage innovation and creativity in our class
Sign Dreamers is the world’s first yard greeting company with a global purpose. A percentage of every sign we sell helps provide education to the hearing impaired in third world countries who would otherwise be isolated from society. When you choose Sign Dreamers, you bring joy to those you love, an
The Stop Community Food Centre strives to increase access to healthy food in a manner that maintains dignity, builds health and community, and challenges inequality. For over 40 years, The Stop has been at the forefront of dignified, innovative programs that provide access to healthy food; build sk
We the NGO Rangeen yuva Seva stand with the motto " Behind the Nation Dreams " . We often feed 800 to 1000 poor people across the twin Cities here in Hyderabad & Secunderabad in our Food Event. Our Main AIMS are Eradicating the Hunger , Generating the Employments , Regular Blood Donations , Providin
Rely on us to help fund your mission, so you can focus on the work. We are committed to making the world a better place by raising funds today to strengthen organizations for the future. At the heart of our writing is a passion for equity-led programs. We have courageous conversations because our go