
Explore 14,379 companies in Government

Gemeente Utrecht


Utrecht is developing from a medium-sized provincial city into a regional capital of European importance.

Larson Shannahan Slifka is a bipartisan public relations, government affairs, public affairs, and marketing firm.

Nestled at the base of the San Jacinto Mountains, the City of Palm Springs is known for its crystal-blue skies, year-round sunshine, stunning landscape, and starry nights. Palm Springs’ rich history and gorgeous weather make it an ideal place to live and a preferred destination of travelers from all

Audit New Zealand is the leading provider of audit and assurance services to the public sector. We examine the financial and non-financial statements of public entities. This helps ensure that taxpayers and ratepayers are getting value from their investment. As well as auditing financial matters



Wij weten dat verandering nodig is voor een duurzamere wereld, met de Sustainable Development Goals als inspiratiebron. Bij P2 voelen we deze urgentie om te veranderen. Wij geloven dat échte verandering gebeurt in projecten, meer dan in plannen op papier of lange termijn visies. Daar zetten we ons b

Oneida Nation


Tribal Government, Health & Human Services, Environment Protection & Restoration, Parks & Recreation, Fitness, Tourism, Gaming, Cigarettes, Fuel, Hospitality, and Golf

تعرف تيتكو بأنها شركة حكومية وهي إحدى شركات تطوير التعليم القابضة التي تعمل على تطوير تقنيات التعليم من خلال تمكين القطاعات المعنية تقنياً لتحقيق مستهدفات التعليم في المملكة؛ وذلك لرفع مستوى قطاع التعليم حتى يواكب النمو المستقبلي ويحسن فعاليته الإنتاجية على الصعيدين المحلي والدولي.

At the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), we are committed to supporting aspirations of First Nations peoples and removing barriers to ensure full and equal participation in the social and economic life of Australia. We leverage our partnerships and relationships to ensure First Nations

Die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, kurz BAM, ist eine wissenschaftlich-technische Bundesoberbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz. Rund 1.600 Mitarbeitende forschen, prüfen und beraten zum Schutz von Mensch, Umwelt und Sachgütern und tra

As an innovative organization, Bentonville Parks and Recreation offers comprehensive and diverse recreation programs for people of all ages, abilities and interests. Our parks, trails, programs and events make Bentonville a premiere destination for residents and visitors.

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is a one-of-its-kind, Public Private Partnership (PPP) model in India, under the aegis of Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). It aims to promote skill development by catalyzing creation of large, quality and for-profit vocational ins

Plezier in ons werk vinden we belangrijk. Verantwoordelijkheden liggen laag in de organisatie en medewerkers hebben de ruimte om op eigen wijze oplossingen te bieden voor gemeentelijke vraagstukken. Samenwerking met inwoners, organisaties en elkaar vormt een belangrijke katalysator bij het bereiken



Mexican union of business owners.

Gentry Locke


Gentry Locke is a dynamic group of staff and attorneys who are fiercely driven to provide responsive service and uncommon thinking to achieve success for our clients. Closely held businesses trust us to provide solutions that meet or exceed their business and litigation needs. Our size lets us pr



Founded in 2007, TLScontact works with governments from around the world to provide visa and consular services on their behalf to travellers and citizens. Present in 90 countries, TLScontact operates 150 visa application centres and handles over 4 million visa applications every year. TLScontact is



Duo+ is de jonge en ambitieuze uitvoeringsorganisatie van en voor de gemeenten Ouder-Amstel (ruim 13.000 inwoners), Diemen (bijna 27.000) en Uithoorn (ruim 29.000). Voor professioneel advies en uitvoering in het belang van de lokale burgers en bedrijven. Wij werken met bijna 300 zeer gedreven col

The Page of Ministry of Interior - KSA. صفحة وزارة الداخلية - المملكة العربية السعودية



Integrity sets the international standard for ethically delivered, expert services. Based on evidence and learning, we help clients and communities to build trust and understanding as the basis for transformative and sustainable change. We do not advocate: we listen, comprehend and recommend. We de

Founded in 1946, the Middle East Institute (MEI) is the oldest Washington, DC-based institution dedicated exclusively to the study of the Middle East. Its founders, scholar George Camp Keiser and former US Secretary of State Christian Herter laid out a simple mandate: “to increase knowledge of the M

Ignite Group ondersteunt al meer dan 25 jaar bedrijven, overheid en kennisinstellingen bij het vinden van subsidies, het schrijven en indienen van subsidieaanvragen, het uitvoeren en afhandelen van de administratieve verantwoording en project- en programmamanagement.



Vinnova is Sweden’s innovation agency. Our mission is to promote sustainable growth by improving the conditions for innovation, as well as funding needs-driven research. Vinnova’s vision is for Sweden to be a world-leading country in research and innovation, an attractive place in which to inves

On December 27, 2021, Section 1094 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (P.L. 117-81) established the Afghanistan War Commission to: (1) “examine the key strategic, diplomatic, and operational decisions that pertain to the war in Afghanistan during the relevant period, inc

A Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, I.P. (AMA) é o instituto público responsável pela promoção e desenvolvimento da modernização administrativa em Portugal. A sua atuação divide-se em três eixos: atendimento, transformação digital e simplificação. A AMA prossegue as atribuições do Minist

جاء إنشاء صندوق أبوظبي للتقاعد في عام 2000، بموجب القانون رقم (2) لسنة 2000 بشأن معاشات و مكافآت التقاعد المدنية لإمارة أبوظبي بالاضافة الى المتقاعدين العسكريين . ثمرة لتطلعات حكومة أبوظبي للارتقاء بمستوى الحياة الاجتماعية للمواطنين وتأمين مستقبلهم من خلال توفير نظام تقاعدي شامل يقوم على إدارة الاشت

We are the official economic development and promotion agency for the Montréal region. Whatever projects you may be planning—investment, setting up or expansion—we are there to welcome you and help you succeed. Our services are free and confidential. Profiting from both its European and North Amer

Human Rights First is an independent advocacy and action organization that challenges America to live up to its ideals. We believe American leadership is essential in the struggle for human rights so we press the U.S. government and private companies to respect human rights and the rule of law. When

eGov Foundation


Established in 2003 by Nandan Nilekani and Srikanth Nadhamuni , eGov Foundation is a philanthropic mission that exists to improve the ease of living for citizens. Our focus areas are urban, health, sanitation and public finance management. Our mission is to make sure that everyone can access service

Since 1993, Pinyon Environmental, Inc. (Pinyon) has provided demonstrated environmental consulting services to a wide variety of clients in both the private and public sectors. The company employs approximately 80 environmental professionals including Professional Engineers, biologists, NEPA special



The Harlow Council website has information for residents, businesses and about Council services.



Porte-parole des municipalités et des régions du Québec, la FQM se fait un devoir de défendre l’autonomie municipale tout en privilégiant les relations à l’échelle humaine. Elle tire son inspiration et son esprit de concertation et d’innovation de ses quelque 1 000 municipalités et MRC membres et de

The Hinduja Group is one of the largest diversified groups in the world. The Hinduja Family contributes to old economy sectors such as Banking, Finance, Transport, and new economy of Technology, Media and Telecom in India.

El Departamento Nacional de Planeación es la entidad técnica del Estado, encargada de liderar, coordinar y articular la planeación de mediano y largo plazo para el desarrollo sostenible e incluyente de Colombia. Su principal tarea es la formulación del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y juega un papel mu

Keski-Suomen hyvinvointialue vastaa 1.1.2023 alkaen noin 273 000 keskisuomalaisen sosiaali- ja terveys- ja pelastustoimen palveluista. Kehitämme palveluita vastaamaan koko Keski-Suomen maakunnan asukkaiden tarpeita, kärkenä digitaaliset palvelut. Keskiössä on asukkaiden hyvinvointi, terveys ja turva



PRISM is devoted to modernization and innovation within the world of technology, security, and IT enterprise solutions. For over 25 years, PRISM has provided IT Professional services to Defense, Homeland Security, Civilian, Healthcare, and Commercial customers. Named as one of the top-performing tec

Att vara Borlängebo är att leva i både det stora och lilla, där det lilla är närheten till grannen som bjuder på en kopp fika, eller promenaden till barnens fotbollsmatch. Det stora ser vi i vår vilja att ge våra invånare en trygg nutid och framtid.

Markon Solutions


Specializes in facilities support, financial management, acquisition management, and security consulting services to the intelligence community, defense and civil sectors, as well as commercial clients.

The Edmund Hillary Fellowship (EHF) is a community of 500+ innovators, entrepreneurs and investors committed to New Zealand as a basecamp for global impact. Our purpose is to partner with Aotearoa NZ to find and build solutions to our toughest challenges. Our vision is that Aotearoa inspires global

Indigo IT LLC


Founded in 2001, Indigo IT is an award winning information technology consulting and services company. We are a trusted services provider to government agencies seeking innovative Cloud, Cybersecurity, and Enterprise solutions. We know our defense, federal, and civilian customers have critical IT in

At 477 square miles and with 664,500 people Bedfordshire is one of England’s smallest (yet most diverse), counties and faces complex crime challenges more usually seen in large metropolitan cities. However, despite our relatively small size, we lead joint protective services (Armed Policing, Dogs,

WerkSaam is een samenwerkingsverband op het terrein van ‘Werk en Inkomen’ van zeven Westfriese gemeenten. WerkSaam Westfriesland staat voor werk, ontwikkeling en inkomen. Wij begeleiden mensen naar de arbeidsmarkt. Wij geloven dat werken loont en gaan ervoor dat iedereen meedoet. WerkSaam maakt dit

DeAngelis Diamond is a national construction management firm experienced in negotiating and managing over $4 billion of construction spanning a variety of building types including Automotive, Educational, Faith Based, Financial, Government, Healthcare, Hospitality, Industrial, Multi Family Residenti

The Region of Waterloo provides innovative leadership and services essential to creating an inclusive, thriving and sustainable community.

Le service départemental d'incendie et de secours de Maine-et-Loire (SDIS 49) est un établissement public administratif qui exerce de nombreuses missions dont : - la protection des personnes, des biens et de l'environnement ; - les secours d'urgence aux personnes victimes d'accidents, de sinistres

The Comisión Federal de Electricidad (English: Federal Electricity Commission) is the state-owned electric utility of Mexico, widely known as CFE. It is the country's dominant electric company, and the country's second most powerful state-owned company after Pemex. The Mexican constitution states th



The City of Leduc is a growing, dynamic city in the heart of Canada's economic engine

The Village of Buffalo Grove (VBG) is located 35 miles northwest of downtown Chicago and 20 miles north of O'Hare International Airport. The Village's land area is 9.3 square miles, with 21.7 percent in Cook County and the remaining 78.3 percent in Lake County. Buffalo Grove has been recognized as

Lilla Edets kommun är en av kommunerna i Göteborgsregionen, gynnsamt belägen längs Göta älv med närhet till Göteborg, Trollhättan och Uddevalla. Du tar dig snabbt och säkert med tåg eller på motorväg mellan orterna. De goda kommunikationerna ger oss möjligheten att fortsätta växa och utvecklas. I