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Dans une perspective de développement durable et de cohésion régionale, l’Autorité planifie, organise, finance, développe et fait la promotion du transport collectif dans la grande région métropolitaine de Montréal afin d'offrir une expérience de mobilité simple, intégrée, fluide et efficace. Nos
Minnetonka is truly a special community, committed to open space, park land and wetland areas. Enjoy working in the natural setting of our city facilities with walking paths, ponds and creeks. Exceptional services provided by exceptional people. That’s more than just a slogan for us—it’s why we cho
Built Environs is an award-winning commercial construction company with the ability to deliver significant and complex projects. Built Environs delivers projects across the accommodation, defence, education, entertainment and sport, government, health, industrial, office, retail and transport sect
PinkRoccade Local Government is al decennia diepgeworteld in de ICT-markt voor de lokale overheid. Deze ervaring stelt zij in dienst van haar opdrachtgevers in het publieke domein, en het toenemende aantal uitdagingen waarvoor zij staan. Met 350 toegewijde medewerkers in marktgerichte domeinen we
Established by s. 1, Art. III of the State Constitution, the Florida House of Representatives is one of chambers of the Florida Legislature. The House is composed of 120 members elected to 2-year terms. The House traces its history back to Florida's statehood in 1845.
Shared Service Centrum Ons is een bedrijfsvoeringsorganisatie die activiteiten uit handen neemt van haar partners. Dat doen we op het gebied van ICT, Inkoop & Contractmanagement en HR services. Met ruim 120 gepassioneerde medewerkers streeft Ons naar continuïteit, kwaliteit en efficiency. Zo kunnen
De gemeente IJsselstein is een middelgrote stad met historisch karakter aan de Hollandsche IJssel. IJsselstein ontstond als nederzetting in de buurt van kasteel IJsselstein, dat in 1279 voor het eerst wordt genoemd, toen het in het bezit kwam van Gijsbrecht van Amstel, die zich later ook Gijsbrecht
De gemeente Zaltbommel is op 1 januari 1999 ontstaan door een samenvoeging van de voormalige gemeenten Brakel, Kerkwijk en Zaltbommel. Door de gunstige ligging van de gemeente in het hart van Nederland, aan de A2, het spoor en de rivieren de Maas en de Waal, biedt de gemeente goede woon- en werk
Macro Advisory Partners is a global advisory firm, providing leading investors, corporations, and governments with the strategic insights required to navigate the intersection of global markets, geopolitics and government policy in a volatile and complex world. We provide our clients with a competi
L’Agenzia di Tutela della Salute (ATS) della Brianza è costituita dal 1 gennaio 2016, come previsto dalla Legge Regionale n. 23/2015 “Evoluzione del sistema sociosanitario lombardo”. (allegato L.R. 23/2015 ) L’agenzia della Brianza nasce dalla fusione delle due ex aziende sanitarie ASL Lecco e AS
Providing over 55 million pounds of food each year to 1,000 agencies in 23 counties of northeastern New York.
“part of stc and the executive arm in providing specialized and critical communication services to the business, government, industrial, and commercial, sectors in the kingdom“
The City of Sunrise, located in western Broward County, is home to approximately 97,000 residents and host to several million national and international visitors each year. Situated in the heart of the tri-county region (Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach), we are proud to be the gateway to a vast n
The South West London Integrated Care System brings the NHS, local councils and the community together to plan and deliver joined up health and care services for the people who live and work in Croydon, Kingston, Merton, Richmond, Sutton and Wandsworth.
The Municipality of Ekerö is one of 290 municipalities in Sweden. It is situated in the eastern part of Lake Mälaren, close to Stockholm. It is unique in many ways. Two objects on the World heritage list are to be found within its borders. One is Drottningholm Palace (home of the Swedish Royal Fa
James City County is home to over 67,000 Virginia citizens. Our mission: We work in partnership with all citizens to achieve a quality community. Our values: Integrity Collaboration Excellence Stewardship Our vision: We are a historic place. We value healthy minds and healthy bodies.
The Football Foundation is the charity of the Premier League, The FA and Government, through Sport England. We deliver outstanding grassroots football facilities, meaning more games, better games and more people playing - helping transform communities where demand is greatest and impact will be s
Central Florida Expressway Authority is an agency that provides a limited-access expressway system for the safe travel of residents.
Het Inlichtingenbureau ondersteunt gemeenteambtenaren bij het efficiënt en gedegen uitvoeren van hun wettelijke taken op het gebied van de Participatiewet. Dit doen we onder meer door het verzamelen van gegevens bij verschillende bronnen zoals UWV, de Belastingdienst of RDW. Door het slim combineren
The Department of Health and Human Services team contributes to the lives and health of Nebraskans every day. Our mission, “Helping people live better lives,” provides the motivation to make a difference. Some DHHS programs impact all Nebraskans; for example, we educate and protect people th
Venn Strategies is a nationally recognized, full-service government relations and public affairs firm. Our track record of success is a function of our broad array of working relationships, our strategic expertise and our impeccable reputation across the policy and political spectrum. We offer our
This is the official LinkedIn account for AUSTRAC, Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulator and specialist financial intelligence unit. AUSTRAC works collaboratively with Australian industries and businesses in their compliance with anti-money laundering and count
Modern Times, Inc. (formerly J Hernandez Consulting) provides consulting services on private and public sector projects. We specialize in design, development, implementation and coordination of community programs that include Disadvantaged and Small Business Programs, Local/Targeted Hire and Commun
ConnellGriffin is a commercial advisory firm operating within the infrastructure industry. Serving clients locally, regionally and globally, we operate where our clients need us to be. We have the skills and scale to navigate a broad range of requirements from our clients and stakeholders: * Go
Ottawa County is located on Lake Michigan’s spectacular freshwater coastline where nature is cherished and protected. More than the lakeshore, you’ll find the people of Ottawa County friendly yet driven, working hard to succeed in charming downtown small businesses, at manufacturing hubs with global
We put the best technology into the hands of the people who make the world safer.
Direct Care Innovations (DCI) is a healthcare technology company that creates business management platforms for providers and government agencies in the Medicaid, Medicare, and Managed care markets. We believe our innovation can create a better future for Direct Care workers and the people they supp
Strategic Alliance Business Group (SABG) is privately owned professional services company that is both a Service Disabled Veteran Owned and Women Owned Small Business. We provide support to both commercial and Federal Government customers in the areas of Engineering Services, Program Management, Str
The Kansas City Area Development Council is a private, nonprofit organization charged with representing the economic interests of the entire two-state, 18-county region of Greater Kansas City. Mission: Engage the world to invest in the One KC region. Our role: • Attract new companies and talent t
Quantam is The Public Sector Company. Quantam’s rich delivery experience has resulted in being a trusted partner for public sector clients across the United States for 26 years. Quantam is a recognized industry leader, ensuring clients’ success through the utilization of our full portfolio of busine
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPUpSvOfG-o Cedar Rapids is the second largest city in Iowa, which translates to a stimulating work environment that offers room to grow and develop professionally. Cedar Rapids is a city rich in culture. Enjoy our museums, theaters, historical centers and a school s
AIDT, a division of the Alabama Department of Commerce, encourages economic development through job-specific training. Training services are offered in many areas, at no cost, to new and expanding businesses throughout the State. Opportunities can be viewed at www.aidt.edu/jobs. The Mission of AI
صدور الأمر السامي الكريم رقم ٣٦٦٧٤ بتاريخ ١٤٤١/٠٦/١٣هـ القاضي بالموافقة على إنشاء شركة كدانة للتنمية والتطوير تعنى بتنمية وتطوير المشاعر المقدسة مملوكة بالكامل للهيئة الملكية لمدينة مكة المكرمة والمشاعر المقدسة. كدانة تمثل الذراع التنفيذي للهيئة لذلك نرى أننا في موضع تشريف وتكليف، حيث إننا نتشرف به
Houston Health Department is accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board. The department works in partnership with the community to promote and protect the health and social well-being of Houstonians and the environment in which they live.
1 follower
City of Portland, Oregon includes bureaus to administer government functions pertaining to fire, police, water supply, wastewater treatment and stormwater management, environmental resource management, urban planning, transportation and parks.
DataTorque is a specialist New Zealand technology company born of a simple understanding that when everyone contributes, everyone benefits. Governments in the Pacific, Africa, the Caribbean, the Americas and Europe, trust our systems to collect billions of dollars of tax revenue that is essential f
Élections Canada est un organisme indépendant et non partisan établi par le Parlement. Sous la gouverne du directeur général des élections du Canada, l’organisme a pour tâche principale de se tenir prêt en tout temps à administrer une élection générale ou partielle ou un référendum fédéral. --
The Moreton Bay Region is one of the fastest developing places in Australia. Situated between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, our region is one of diverse communities and landscapes.
Corvallis is nestled in the heart of Oregon's Willamette Valley, within 90 minutes of the Portland Metropolitan area, world class skiing, and the spectacular Oregon coast. Corvallis has a residential population of 57,390 and is home to Oregon State University. The City employs more than 420 emplo
The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) is the preeminent source for innovation, education and research in property appraisal, assessment administration and property tax policy. Founded in 1934, IAAO has over 7,000 members from government jurisdictions and business and academic co
Scrumconnect, an acclaimed consultancy firm, sets the gold standard in crafting sophisticated, user-centric software solutions underpinned by data-driven insights. Our robust software solutions have cast a global footprint, influencing over 50M individuals via 64 robust digital offerings. As trusted
Sojourner Consulting is a Philadelphia-based firm which provides planning and policy services across the country. We work with government, private and non-profit clients to support ambitious place-based initiatives, understand local ecosystems and stakeholders, and position programs and services to
Segment is een organisatie van vakinhoudelijke en veranderkundige professionals voor en door de publieke sector, met inmiddels tweehonderd docenten en trainers en veel zelfstandige samenwerkingspartners. Wij ondersteunen de publieke sector met strategische leergangen, vakinhoudelijke scholing, een v
Tacoma Public Library serves the residents of Tacoma, Washington. It operates eight library branches, which include a central library in downtown Tacoma, two regional locations in north and south Tacoma, and in five neighborhoods. Tacoma library has nearly 170,000 registered users, and close to 1 mi
Factum staat voor een eerlijke verdeling van de publieke middelen binnen het sociaal domein. Middels Factum Detachering en Factum Ondersteuning & Expertise voorzien wij opdrachtgevers van een breed pakket aan diensten binnen het sociaal domein. Onze medewerkers zetten dagelijks hun deskundigheid en
AlphaAI is a contemporary consulting firm focused on empowering public sector organizations with tailored analytics and AI solutions, driving mission success through innovative problem-solving. We understand that technology plays a pivotal role in achieving organizational objectives within the publ
Gemeente Leeuwarden provides tourists, businesses, news, fun facts, government, financial, and crisis information.
Canopy was established out of the simple desire to help businesses and government entities solve problems. We have extensive experience in the public and private sectors, and our specialty areas include information technology, grants management, procurement, and organizational change management.
The Public Affairs Council is the leading nonpartisan, nonpolitical association for public affairs professionals worldwide. Launched in 1954, our mission is to advance the field of public affairs and to provide members with the executive education and expertise they need to succeed while maintaining