
Explore 13,572 companies in Hospital

HRS provides hospitals, caregivers and patients with skilled nursing, infusion therapy, hospice care and rehabilitation services.

Daybreak provides seniors in Columbia and Lexington one thing they value the most – their independence from in home care services.

ФГБУ "Российский научный центр рентгенорадиологии" (РНЦРР)

Since its settlement in 1999 until now, Medical Group Romgermed has continued to develop, becoming one of the major players in the medical field. In its 15 years of existence, in the ambulatory specialty, Medical Group Romgermed provided medical services of the highest quality standards, such as cli

Kinderen met een taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS) of gehoorverlies kunnen bij Kentalis De Skelp in Drachten en Sneek speciaal onderwijs volgen (cluster 2).

LAKEWOOD NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER, LLC is a hospital & health care company based out of 14718 S EASTERN AVE, PLAINFIELD, Illinois, United States.

Region Jönköpings läns webbplats med generell information om regionen, rekrytering, politik, invånardialog och information om regionens utbud och verksamheter.

New Vista provides behavioral health, rehabilitation, nursing, and respite care. tassaavoq peqqissuseq pillugu pisortatigoortumik nittartagaq. Peqqissuseq, pinaveersaartitsineq peqqissumillu inuuneqarneq pillugit maani allaaserisat nassaarisinnaavatit.

ROBINSON NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER LLC is a hospital & health care company based out of 415 ROGERS AVE, Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States.

El mayor centro de Neurorehabilitación del País. Somos profesionales especializados en rehabilitación integral y cuidados críticos crónicos

Welcome to the website of Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. We are a public hospital belonging to the Madrid Health Service, which stands out for the high training and qualification of its professionals, for its teaching and research capacity and for its technological endowment, being

Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana is 150 years old post graduate medical teaching college associated hospital. It is State Government run tertiary level multi specialty hospital.



Basin has been providing Quality In-Home Health Care Services since 1992. We are licensed by the State of New Mexico Accredited by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations Medicare and Medicaid Certified Member of the New Mexico Association of Home Care and the National Associa

Patient Care Associates offers multi-specialty surgical excellence in a safe, professional, and accommodating setting. Recognized nationally for our expertise and innovation, PCA is proud to partner with New Jersey and New York’s best medical professionals to deliver compassionate treatment and exce

Prmc Home Health


Prmc Home Health is a hospital & health care company based out of 1801 Ne Mustang Dr, Andrews, Texas, United States.

Specializing in oral surgery, family & pediatric dentistry, periodontics, endodontics, and orthodontics for children, teens, adults and seniors in New Jersey.

International Developers is software for the healthcare community.

Our mission is to treat each patient and their family as if it were our own. We want to be your first choice for surgery and will do what it takes to earn your loyalty; each patient, each family, each and every time.

Primary Care Medical Group is a healthcare clinic that offers a wide range of medical services.

Hayatabad Medical Complex aims to deliver a comprehensive range of preventive, curative, rehabilitative, emergency and educational health services with compassion to the people in KPK, through its healthcare facilities and services with a view to raising the long-term health status of community.

For Assisted Living needs in Austin MN call Sacred Heart Home Health Care 1-507-1905 for an free consultation today!

Second Family


Second Family Inc. is a Non- Profit Organization who takes pride in taking ​care of Individual with exceptional medically fragile needs.

Bioiatriki Group is a healthcare solution provider with extensive experience in health diagnostic, primary care, and medical services.

You can see your lab results, access your medication list, request refills and appointments, and review your hospital discharge instructions.



startpagina zorgorganisatie

Cardiva S.L.


Cardiva, con un amplio porfolio de producto en diversas areas, desarrollados junto a profesionales médicos, para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes

Servizi Ospedalieri S.p.A, società controllata al 100% da Rekeep S.p.A, realtà leader in Italia nei servizi specialistici del segmento laundering&sterilization per il settore sanitario, ha fatto della professionalità il cardine della sua operatività. Presente da anni nel settore del lavaggio e nole

We believe that families heal better together. Since 1990, we have been a place of hope and healing when families felt alone. We provide care, comfort, community and a free place to stay so families can focus on what's most important - the health of their child. Our Mission: Keeping families tog

Qendra Spitalore Universitare “Nënë Tereza” në Tiranë është institucioni shëndetësor më i madh në Shqipëri dhe si institucion shëndetësor akademik është i vetmi i këtij lloji, duke u klasifikuar si e vetmja qendër shëndetësore terciare shqiptare. Aktualisht QSU “Nënë Tereza” ofron shërbim shëndetës



Optimax offers an unmatched level of expertise in vision correction, helping people to see life more clearly since 1991. We have performed over 700,000 treatments and have clinics nationwide.

StoneCrest Center is the leading inpatient treatment center in Detroit, MI, providing mental health services for adolescents, adults, and seniors.

HealthStar Physicians provides patients with excellent care, close to home. With over 100 providers in 20 specialties, a full-service lab, and diagnostic imaging services, HealhtStar Physicians focuses on patient-centered care. Find a physician at

Clínica Guayaquil Servicios Médicos S.A 90 años brindando la mejor atención a sus pacientes. Contamos con 19 especiales, y un personal altamente calificado a su disposición.

Decisive Health


Decisive Health empowers patients by instantly providing information about their medical bills and health insurance coverage. Right now, patients leave after an appointment without any idea of how much they are going to owe, and they remain clueless until they receive a big, unexpected bill up to 6

NeMCHM offers a wide range of services and assistance to help people live and work independently.

Wij zijn al meer dan 90 jaar bezig om voor jou de hooroplossing te leveren waar je echt iets aan hebt. Kom langs in één van onze 160 vestigingen

Discover Vision has 8 Kansas City locations. Call for vision care, LASIK, and cataracts: 816.478.1230

Q Care International develops healthcare equipment that safely disposes of used hypodermic needles.



Need help figuring out how to keep your aging parent safe, entertained, and prepared for the future? ReverCare is here for your senior care questions.

Hospice Savannah


The Demere Center, located at 6000 Business Center Drive in Savannah, has become one of our community’s most versatile and beautiful venue spaces. It features a versatile interior space overlooking a spacious curved brick patio and natural landscaping. This hidden gem is the perfect spot to celebrat

Providing compassionate care for pediatric, geriatric and adult patients in order to achieve optimum outcomes. Select from the following MGA Divisions.

Les professionnels du Centre Hospitalier de Calais travaillent au quotidien au bien être des patients, avec compétence et bienveillance.

Brinton Lake Dermatology's team of board-certified dermatologists & surgeons offers quality skin care treatments for the entire family. Make an appointment.

I say age is only a state of mind. Step into The Peaks, A Senior Living Community, and take comfort in knowing that you have come to the right place. It is our commitment to help each resident lead a purposeful life and we strive to deliver an exceptional experience through Platinum Service®. Our co

Allied Pacific IPA provides quality and patient-centered medical care through an extensive network of healthcare professionals.

Tagaytay Medical Center (TMC) is a private, secondary level hospital located at the scenic City of Tagaytay. It has a 90-bed capacity which caters to the health and wellness needs of local and foreign patients of the city and its nearby areas.With its friendly and relaxing environment, together with