
Explore 13,572 companies in Hospital

Business Solutions of Perrysburg provides professional consulting services to organizations in Northwest Ohio and surrounding areas. Our specialty is to enhance

We are a group of over 100 dentists who deliver quality dental care throughout the Hampton Roads communities. Our experienced team provides care for patients of all ages. Learn more about our services and find a convenient location hear you.

Cygnus Medicare Pvt. Ltd. operates a chain of multi-specialty hospitals in India

HealthStar Physicians provides patients with excellent care, close to home. With over 100 providers in 20 specialties, a full-service lab, and diagnostic imaging services, HealhtStar Physicians focuses on patient-centered care. Find a physician at

Lifetime Heart and Vascular is a specialty practice that offers medical diagnosis and treatment for patients of cardiovascular conditions.

Yiaco is engaged in supplying medical equipment, dental equipment & materials and other supplies to hospitals in Kuwait..

Prader-Willi Homes (PWHO) has been supporting individuals diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome and their families for more than 30 years combining the best in residential care, education and vocational training.

Decisive Health


Decisive Health empowers patients by instantly providing information about their medical bills and health insurance coverage. Right now, patients leave after an appointment without any idea of how much they are going to owe, and they remain clueless until they receive a big, unexpected bill up to 6

San Diego's number one choice for senior care and nursing. Serving Seniors for over a decade. Schedule an appointment with a home health care professional today.

Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center is a charitable, multi-specialty hospital located in the heart of Pune, India. Founded in 2001, today it is one of the largest hospital in Pune, with 800 beds. Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital offers state-of-the-art diagnostic, therapeutic and intensive

L'​ Azienda Ospedaliera "Ospedali Riuniti Marche Nord"​ è stata istituita con legge Regionale n. 21 del 22 Settembre 2009 ed incorpora l'Azienda Ospedaliera "San Salvatore"​ di Pesaro e la struttura ospedaliera "Santa Croce"​ di Fano per un totale di tre stabilimenti ospedalieri. L'​ Az.Osp. si col

New Vista provides behavioral health, rehabilitation, nursing, and respite care.

Q Care International develops healthcare equipment that safely disposes of used hypodermic needles.

St. Vincent General Hospital (SVGH) started in 1950 as a two-story maternity facility owned by the late Atty. Jose Taboada and his wife Dr. Natividad C. Taboada. After nine years of operation, they opened the San Vicente School of Midwifery. By March 2001, SVGH limited its operations to the school



Basin has been providing Quality In-Home Health Care Services since 1992. We are licensed by the State of New Mexico Accredited by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations Medicare and Medicaid Certified Member of the New Mexico Association of Home Care and the National Associa

Ft. Lauderdale & South Florida's award-winning Holy Cross Hospital is home to top physicians and specialists in a wide range of services including orthopedics, cardiology, cancer, neurology, neurosurgery, bariatrics, gynecology, urology, minimally invasive surgery and women's health.

I say age is only a state of mind. Step into The Peaks, A Senior Living Community, and take comfort in knowing that you have come to the right place. It is our commitment to help each resident lead a purposeful life and we strive to deliver an exceptional experience through Platinum Service®. Our co

MATLV is a health care center that expertise in primary care services including billing, family practice, internal medicine and pediatrics.

Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana is 150 years old post graduate medical teaching college associated hospital. It is State Government run tertiary level multi specialty hospital.

Hospital Privado Nuestra Señora de la Merced- Somos un centro de atención médica de alta complejidad del noroeste del conurbano bonaerense. Cuidamos su salud y la de su familia

CARDIOLOGY SPECIALISTS OF ACADIANA, LLC is a hospital & health care company based out of 315 RUE LOUIS XIV, LAFAYETTE, Louisiana, United States.



Optimax offers an unmatched level of expertise in vision correction, helping people to see life more clearly since 1991. We have performed over 700,000 treatments and have clinics nationwide.



IEHRD COUNCIL is an Education Development organization / an autonomous body is Regd. By Govt. of Kerala based On TR Act.1882 Govt. Of India, (INDIA). Under Registration Act. IEHRD COUNCIL Is An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Organization. IEHRD Council Provides Hospital Administration Course, Medical Codi

Site institutionnel de PHOENIX Pharma France



startpagina zorgorganisatie

New Forest Care


Best Childcare Services in Southampton, Hythe at New Forest Care. We offer residential Childcare service to children and young people with various needs.

YASHODHARA SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITALS, SOLAPUR REDEFINING PATIENT CARE Welcome to Yashodhara Super Speciality Hospitals, Solapur - a beacon of healthcare excellence with two dedicated units serving the community. Committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate medical services, our dual prese

Family Orthodontics provides quality orthodontic care and Invisalign® to patients in Milford and Westborough, MA. Call today to schedule your appointment!

Center for Reproductive Medicine provides treatment for infertility. They have been assisting couples and families to achieve healthy pregnancies. Their treatments include fertility medications, artificial insemination, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, in vitro fertilization, donor eggs, and so on.

Cardiva S.L.


Cardiva, con un amplio porfolio de producto en diversas areas, desarrollados junto a profesionales médicos, para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes

Children’s Medical Group, P.A. was founded in February, 1948 by Drs. Charles Ward and Jim Hendrick with the original office located on North State Street in Jackson. By 1958, the group had expanded to five pediatricians and moved to Carlisle Street near the Baptist Hospital where it remained until 1

NeMCHM offers a wide range of services and assistance to help people live and work independently.

ФГБУ "Российский научный центр рентгенорадиологии" (РНЦРР)

Centre Hospitalier de Perpignan : services médicaux et guide de l'hospitalisation, annuaire des médecins, institut de formation infirmier de Perpignan.

Frösunda, provider of care for individuals with learning disabilities, severe physical disabilities, and psychological/behavioural issues.

Advantage Home Health Care has been serving the home care needs of Hoosiers for over 26 years. Indiana owned and operated, Advantage is one of the largest providers of home care services in the state, with 13 locations serving 50 counties. Our patients, rest assured, the care they receive meets the

Anaheim Healthcare: Personalized Care for your Health. At Anaheim Healthcare we recognize the value of every person and are guided by our commitment to excellence and leadership. We demonstrate this by: • Striving to provide exemplary physical, emotional and spiritual care for each of our

Welcome to the website of Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. We are a public hospital belonging to the Madrid Health Service, which stands out for the high training and qualification of its professionals, for its teaching and research capacity and for its technological endowment, being

Perjalanan Sentra Medika Hospitals Group (SMHG), berawal dari komitmen Founding Father kami, Drg. Suherman Widyatomo untuk berpartisipasi dalam memajukan Kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia. Diawali dengan membangun rumah sakit pertama di tahun 1984 RS Harapan Bunda Jakarta Timur, SMHG kini telah berkemb

Afea nasce nel 2005 dall’incontro fra professionisti dell’IT e della consulenza aziendale e si propone di creare valore per i clienti attraverso la progettazione e la fornitura di sistemi informativi integrati, in ambiti quali: • Innovazione tecnologica e di processo • Misurazione delle perform

Qendra Spitalore Universitare “Nënë Tereza” në Tiranë është institucioni shëndetësor më i madh në Shqipëri dhe si institucion shëndetësor akademik është i vetmi i këtij lloji, duke u klasifikuar si e vetmja qendër shëndetësore terciare shqiptare. Aktualisht QSU “Nënë Tereza” ofron shërbim shëndetës

USA Health Staff


USA Health Staffing, LLC is a leading provider of Healthcare Staff Augmentation and Travel Nurse Deployment. USA Health Staffing is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida. Using proprietary recruiting database solutions, and industry leading recruiters, USA Health Staffing, LLC is able to quickly meet

Missão: "Oferecer o melhor serviço em saúde, com respeito e cordialidade por meio de uma Gestão Auto-Sustentável proporcionando campo de estágio para o continuo desenvolvimento do ensino e da pesquisa"​. Visão: "Ser referência para Marília e Região na excelência hospitalar, com um atendimento human

Les professionnels du Centre Hospitalier de Calais travaillent au quotidien au bien être des patients, avec compétence et bienveillance.