Explore 22,864 companies in Non Profit
Sewa International is a ‘not-for-profit’ organization inspired by the noble tradition of service before self, working for promoting voluntarism internationally especially among children, youth, women and energetic senior citizens; building an international network of not-for-profit organizations; pr
The primary purpose and objective of the Association is to promote and improve the benefits of its members, promote the understanding and cooperation between members of the Association and of professional Law Enforcement agencies with whom they interact, and promote the value of volunteer Law Enforc
The Somali Family Safety Task Force is a nonprofit community-based-organization (CBO) located in the NewHolly neighborhood in Seattle, WA that serves refugee and immigrant women and their families. Not only are we community based but we are also community driven. Our founders as well as the majority
API organizes programs to educates people about conservative policies and principles via discussion, literature, and events.
GLS is a regional 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing free, comprehensive civil legal aid for vulnerable clients in the Greater Tampa Bay area. GLS provides services in the following areas: Financial Stability Advocacy Housing Advocacy Family/Domestic Violence Advocacy Immigration Advocacy GLS
WIR SIND WEGBEGLEITER. Das UNIONHILFSWERK wurde 1947 aus gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung gegründet. Mit rund 3.000 Mitarbeiter*innen und etwa 900 Freiwilligen leisten wir bis heute Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in den verschiedensten Bereichen. Zu unseren Dienstleistungen gehören unter anderem Kindertag
Vision We envision a world in which every woman has access to a well-trained and supported midwife who provides respectful, quality care within her own cultural context, community, and choice of birth setting. Mission Our mission is to empower and strengthen the capacity of midwives through
Darjeeling Children's Trust (DCT) provides funding and support to improve the opportunities for the education of children and young adults in the Darjeeling area, in India, including: through individual sponsorship; Improve, where appropriate, their social and living conditions where these affect t
Collective.ai was born as a resistance to individualization, because we understand that it is from collaboration and exchange that alternatives to the problems of the current era arise. We believe in: non hierarchical structures, profit sharing, Data Science for social good, social responsibility.
We help nonprofits set up and clean up CRM systems to reduce data and workflow inconsistencies, save 200+ staff-hours monthly, cut manual data entry by 65%, and improve fundraising outcomes through actionable donor and programmatic insights. With our roots in nonprofit work, we guarantee results wi
The Red Cross EU Office represents National Red Cross Societies in the EU, the Norwegian Red Cross, the Icelandic Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) before EU decision-makers and stakeholders. It works to increase Red Cross influence on EU polic
The VONG Movement is promoted by Omysha Foundation. The VONG movement is Aam environment where the new generation is inspired and motivated to build a deeper understanding of global social issues. It’s where they find like-minded people and build synergies. The movement creates a safe space for lea
Seit 1990 begleitet beramí e.V. Menschen mit Migrationserfahrung bei der Entwicklung einer beruflichen Perspektive. Offenheit und der Respekt gegenüber der jeweiligen kulturellen Identität und die Anerkennung von Individualität und Vielfalt zeichnen unsere Unternehmenskultur aus. Wir sind Vordenkeri
Founded in 2020, the Environment Project is a youth-run 501c(3) nonprofit dedicated to empowering young climate leaders to make socially impactful change in their communities. We believe that young people should be able to create a greener, better, and more sustainable future for all. We believe in
Global IP was established with the aim of building a state-of-the-art IP network, based on our first high capacity satellite.
dib (deutscher ingenieurinnenbund e.V., German Association of Women Engineers) is a non profit organization dedicated to achievement of equal opportunities for women in education, emploment and private life. dib focuses on challenging the existing male/female stereotypes in science and technology.
Resistbot is a service that people in the United States can use to compose and send letters to elected officials.
Founded as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Gooru has developed a learning navigator that teachers use to personalize learning for their students.
Merrimack Education Center, its divisions and parents (collectively, MEC) is a diversified educational and technological resource for schools, cities and towns and other non-profit organizations. MEC offers a broad range of special education transportation, professional development, and technology p
Conscious Impact is a 501c3 non-profit organization supporting sustainable development work in rural Sindhupalchok, Nepal. Conscious Impact was founded after the 2015 earthquakes that devastated rural Sindhupalchok, Nepal. We work with local communities to find environmentally sustainable solution
Local First was officially founded in 2008 as a 501c6 to work with the local, independent business community in La Plata County to create an economy that values the people, the planet, and prosperity for everyone. But why does local and independent matter? “Local” means that the business physicall
El Movimiento Scout del Uruguay es un movimiento de jóvenes, niños y adultos comprometidos libre y voluntariamente con la transformación de nosotros mismos y de nuestra sociedad mediante la acción educativa.
Depuis sa création en 1963 à ce jour la Fondation Claire Magnin a repris au fil des années la gestion de plusieurs établissements. Ils seront très prochainement au nombre de 7 établissements représentant plus de 300 places d’hébergement. En augmentant son parc immobilier la Fondation souhaite offr
EPIM is Europe’s largest and longest-standing philanthropic collaborative working on issues of migration and inclusion. We fund and nurture alliances and partnerships, curate the migration ecosystem and cultivate a shared narrative for belonging and democratic resilience. Working in a collaborative
Our mission The society’s goal is to help maintain the current sea turtle population and to prevent a potentially irreversible decline in that population through: ◦Maintaining the Sea Turtle House where visitors are always welcome to view and discuss our sea turtle displays and learn more about ho
Palaver Strings is a musician-led string ensemble and nonprofit organization based in Portland, ME. Founded in 2014 and established as a nonprofit in 2015, Palaver has made its mark as a forward-thinking ensemble whose mission is to strengthen and inspire community through music. Palaver recruits
NNCC’s mission is to provide advocacy, public & human services to preserve and support families resulting in the improvement of quality of life, with an emphasis on the multicultural community. Today we serve Springfield Massachusetts and adjacent communities within Hampden County.
GIRLS ON THE RUN PALM BEACH INC is a health, wellness and fitness company based out of 316 VALENCIA RD, WEST PALM BCH, Florida, United States.
RevX is a national K-12 real-world learning model. We integrate rigorous academics, career connections, and our social justice orientation to create opportunities for learners to claim their power and transform the world.
Co-operative Housing Ireland (CHI) is the national organisation representing, promoting and developing co-operative housing in Ireland. Since its foundation in 1973, CHI has provided over 8,000 homes through home-ownership, shared ownership and social rented co-operatives. Today, we own and manage m
The Council of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India at its 361st Meeting (February 2017) approved the formation of 29th Chapter of ICAI in San Francisco. ICAI San Francisco Chapter was established to serve the US based members of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The San
Black Women in Michigan Politics serves as a vibrant platform for both celebration and education. It's a forum where we come together to honor each other's accomplishments and, equally importantly, to foster a shared understanding of how we can effectively enhance our presence and impact at every ti
Church planting and mission catalyst movement with the Anglican Church in the North America. We train local leaders to multiply congregations and empower movements. We follow the Holy Spirit together for the spontaneous expansion of God’s church. Our heart is to bring Christ’s healing gospel to all
The Foundation is a bridge between the private resources of the community and the needs of the classroom. We fund educational programs and projects through fundraising to award grants to employees of Whitehouse ISD. We want to empower our educators, encourage innovation and creativity in our class
Burleigh County was organized in 1873 and is County Seat for North Dakota
Our Mission Collaboration among automakers and their partners that strives to eliminate counterfeit automotive components that could harm U.S. consumers. Guiding Principles 1. Promote consumer awareness of safety and other concerns surrounding counterfeit automotive components 2. Promote consume
The Newark Community Street Team (NCST) was founded by Mayor Ras J. Baraka’s as the City’s community-based violence reduction strategy. NCST draws upon an evidence-based, trauma informed approach to violence reduction. NCST hires, trains and deploys Outreach workers and High Risk Interventionist in
Pennoyer School proudly educates children from parts of Norridge, Harwood Heights, and unincorporated Norwood Park Township. During the 1830's, the Pennoyer family came from new England and settled in what is now known as Norridge. The land they settled laid between what is now East River Road and C
The Women's Major Group (WMG) is a network representing women's voices and perspectives in global policy discussions, particularly within the United Nations' processes on sustainable development and environmental issues. Established at the Earth Summit in 1992, WMG actively advocates for gender equa
LVWB Fundraising helpt al ruim 20 jaar culturele en maatschappelijke organisaties om hun doelen en ambities te realiseren door goede wervingsplannen te maken en uit te voeren. We zijn goed thuis in alle vormen van relatiegericht werven. Van sponsors tot vaste donateurs, vrienden, mecenaat en grote
The Moonshadow Festival, produced by the woman-founded 501(c)3 A Glantz Incorporated, returning to the 88-acre grounds Moonshadow Farms, owned by renowned expert Dr. Tina Thomas, in Abita Springs, Louisiana this March 15th, 16th and 17th, 2024. When the Covid-19 Pandemic led to the closure of the l
The West End Resource Centre (WERC) is a community-driven not-for-profit Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation that serves the Daniel McIntyre and St. Matthews neighbourhoods in the West End of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Our mission is to empower the community of Daniel McIntyre / St. Matthews to achi
Com o ideal de educar, transformar e incluir, viabiliza transformação social construindo valores, fortalecendo vínculos, estimulando o protagonismo e o pensamento empreendedor.
Hus Forbi har et dobbelt formål: At være med til at skabe debat og dialog om og med hjemløse og socialt udstødte, som typisk ikke kommer til orde i medierne. At give de hjemløse og socialt udsatte sælgere mulighed for at tjene deres egne penge og have noget at stå op til. For mange er det at sælge
Rooms Katholieke Petrusschool is a company based out of Bekkampstraat 49, Hengevelde, Overijssel, Netherlands.
A foster-based rescue, located in the northern suburbs of Minneapolis, helping to save and find homes for dogs and cats.
Our team is here to sit down with you and provide information that you might be needing, discuss other supports and make a plan on how we can help you best. We will always work towards achieving the outcome that you are after.
Positive Help supports adults and children living with and affected by HIV and Hepatitis. We remove barriers to treatment and support – providing transport to medical treatment, giving support at home, providing food parcels, and working 1-2-1 with children through Befriending and educational mentor
The Black Leadership PAC (BLP) is an Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee led by a coalition of business, labor, community, and civic leaders committed to progress for Black Americans in Pennsylvania. We build Black political power by promoting candidates that support our vision of a b