Explore 6,703 companies in Rehabilitation
Nazareth Home was established in 1976 as a healthcare ministry founded by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. Today, Nazareth Home is an award-winning, 5-star rated long-term care and rehabilitation organization that provides person-centered health and wellness services for adults and families. With
The Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (L.A. CADA) is a licensed and certified substance use and behavioral treatment provider by the State of California’s Department of Health Care Services and the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health – Substance Abuse Prevention and Contro
Functional Movement Systems, Inc. (FMS) is an education company that produces and promotes principles and methodologies to enhance movement as individuals engage in physical activity. We are committed to giving fitness, healthcare and performance professionals actionable steps to help people around
AbilityFirst is a nonprofit helping individuals with disabilities achieve their personal best throughout their lives! We do this with programs and services including after-school enrichment, community based programs, job training and coaching and a fully-accessible camp Camp Paivika, in the San Ber
Founded in 2003, ReEmployAbility is the largest national provider of early return-to-work (RTW) services and transitional employment programs. Our Transition2Work program offers employers a turnkey, cost-effective solution to modified light duty assignments, reducing claim costs while giving the i
It is TinyEYE's mission to lead the world in delivering the highest valued speech, occupational, and mental health therapy solutions, while making a difference in the life of every child we serve. TinyEYE focuses on empowering our Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers
Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services, created in 1972 by a joint resolution of Danville City Council and the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors, is the Community Services Board that provides mental health, developmental, substance use, and prevention services to the citizens of our City an
The Santa Fe Recovery Center works with individuals to sustain lasting recovery from substance use disorders and related mental health disorders by providing culturally relevant, evidence based treatment and education in partnership with other community organizations.
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As you plan your post-hospital care, it’s good to know the most advanced medical treatment, comfort and compassion can be found in one place—at an Optalis Health & Rehabilitation Center. No matter which of our convenient locations you choose – expect unrivaled access to the expertise, experience, an
We provide virtual appointments for back pain treatment, with a fusion of AI and human physiotherapists for personalised care at population scale, and no waiting list. We are a CQC-registered healthcare provider, able to entirely manage patient pathways on behalf of NHS Trusts and Commissioners –
Patterns was founded in 2012 and is dedicated to the support and success of families and their children afflicted with Autism and other intellectual disabilities. Our focus and expertise in using the strategies of Applied Behavior Analysis and Discrete Trial Training is to constantly strive to crea
Fort Lauderdale Behavioral Health Center provides personalized treatment to individuals coping with a mental health disorder, substance addiction, or dual diagnosis. We work with patients on a wide variety of psychological, psychosocial, and emotional issues. Treatment might begin with the patient,
Meillä Päijät-Hämeen hyvinvointialueella työskentelee 7000 ammattilaista ja olemme alueen suurin työnantaja. Teemme töitä Lahden seudulla erikoissairaanhoidon, sosiaali- ja perusterveydenhuollon ja pelastustoiminnan parissa. Olemme mukana ihmisten arjessa silloin, kun meitä tarvitaan. Yhdessä teemme
Supporting Recovery, Maximising Independence, Building Community Quo Vadis Trust provides social housing, care & support for people in South East London living with mental health needs. We have approximately 200 Clients living with us, residing across 33 different properties, whether it be in bedsi
PATH (People Acting To Help), Inc. is a comprehensive Community Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Center in the heart of Northeast Philadelphia, offering a wide array of services to meet the specific needs of our community. Founded in 1973 by a group of dedicated community members who
We serve over 300,000 people every single day – many of whom are amongst society’s most vulnerable. Alongside our partners, we deliver a wide range of vital services to the people and businesses of Shropshire, from children’s and adult social care to schools, maintaining our shared environment to bu
Stop working out like everyone else. Let your body train you.
ICAN works with over 2,000 individuals each day to restore social, emotional and behavioral health and well-being to Keep Families Together. ICAN offers 22 programs reaching communities across six counties in Central New York and serving individuals from prenatal to end-of-life care. Services are d
Kessler Foundation, a major nonprofit organization in the field of disability, is a global leader in rehabilitation research that seeks to improve cognition, mobility and long-term outcomes, including employment, for people with neurological disabilities caused by diseases and injuries of the brain
Il Metodo Correre Naturale vuole portare ciascuno a esprimere il proprio massimo potenziale, raggiungere forma fisica, salute e benessere ottimali, ottenere salute mentale ed energia vitale, il tutto nel modo più sostenibile e naturale possibile.
We specialize in tailored substance abuse and mental health treatment programs, known for our exceptional diagnostics, assessments, treatment planning, and medical care.
Comprehend is a licensed Integrated Healthcare Center providing behavioral health and primary care services serving the Buffalo Trace region and Southern Ohio. OUR MISSION Comprehends mission is to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities by advocating for and providing beh
We provide vital funding to enable the best possible patient care at Hamilton Health Sciences. As a registered charitable organization, we proudly support patients and families across south-central Ontario, and from outside the region, who receive specialized care at Hamilton Health Sciences inclu
We help people impacted by addictions find resources and manage recovery: http://www.appstore.com/pinkcloud https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pinkcloud
Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, even the strongest people amongst us need a little bit of help to work through some of life’s more challenging problems. Everyone has battles to fight and hurdles to overcome at some point. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, or any other i
Hello Friends, We began Jenna’s Promise in 2019 after the tragic loss of our daughter to substance use disorder. Jenna, ourselves and her brother, experienced first-hand the emotions, trauma, sorrow, and emptiness that so often occurs at every level of the ongoing struggle against the opioid crisis
At GTK our aim is to provide all our clients with quality assistive technology products and service that will help them to regain their freedom and quality of life. We specialise in and pride ourselves on working closely to each client to select and design a wheelchair that is tailored to their uniq
Hope Center Ministries exists to lead addicts and their families to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hopecenterministries/.
Novara Recovery Center is a leading alcohol and drug rehab in Virginia. Our mission is to provide comprehensive, compassionate, and evidence-based care to individuals struggling with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions. Through our evidence-based treatment programs, we
Work Right NW is a cutting edge injury prevention company. We are striving to change the Workers Compensation industry from a reactive model to one that is providing proactive injury prevention methods. Work Right has a variety of services that focus on early identification of symptoms in the wo
What is Parabolic Performance and Rehab? Parabolic bridges the gap between the healing process and sports performance. Its Doctorate-level physical therapists and nationally certified sports performance coaches work symbiotically to treat and strengthen each client to maximize their individual pot
We are a 239 bed behavioral health facility providing a wide variety of services including inpatient for children, adolescents, young adults and adults with 10 distinct units specializing in meeting the unique needs of our consumers. In addition we offer chemical dependency services and partial hos
Xcel Health is the fastest-growing provider of First Contact Practitioners to NHS Primary Care Networks in the UK. We draw on our extensive experience in Private Practice to deliver a full and comprehensive Physiotherapy service to your PCN. We understand the importance of Multi-Disciplinary Teams,
The Evolution of Therapy TalkPath™ Live is revolutionizing the way therapeutic services are delivered to individuals nationwide who face a wide range of challenges and can benefit from customized treatment to address those challenges—treatment including speech therapy, occupational therapy, and men
Hawthorne Foundation Inc. is the leader in applied behavior analysis. We provide the highest quality of services to children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. With a highly skilled staff headed up by board certified behavior analysts, every one of our programs is designed
Better Rehab was founded in 2017 to provide better support for people living with a disability, and to be a better place to work. Our five Values guide our direction and decisions. They have made Better Rehab what it is today and will be in the future. Through in-home, in-clinic and telehealth servi
Boca Recovery Center is a Substance Use Disorder program providing excellence in the medical and clinical treatment of drug and alcohol addiction, as well as co-occurring mental health issues. We are passionate about working with individuals seeking recovery, and our purpose is to provide clients w
aarReha Schinznach ist eine führende Institution für stationäre und ambulante Rehabilitation für Patientinnen und Patienten aller Versichertenklassen und ist spezialisiert auf die Behandlung von Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates, chronischen Schmerzen, Einschränkungen nach Operationen und geriatri
Medsi Group is a healthcare chain, offering a full range of preventive, diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitation services.
At Iron Bridge Recovery Center, our main goal is to provide a comprehensive substance use disorder treatment experience in a caring environment that is specifically designed to mend, rejuvenate, and renew lives. 6701 Court Yard Rd Chester, VA 23831
SLAM Ortho develops and brings technology to market that aims to support and enhance fracture care by surgeons.
Elogie-Siemp, bailleur social de la Ville de Paris, construit, réhabilite et gère 30 000 logements à Paris et en banlieue. Son ambition : répondre aux objectifs de la Ville en matière de production de logements sociaux et d’amélioration du service rendu aux locataires, de lutte pour la transition éc
Encore Outpatient Services, located in Arlington, Virginia, works collaboratively with adults and their families to create dynamic and innovative solutions for substance use and co-occurring behavioral health challenges. We believe effective care requires personalized attention to every aspect of an
Well in Montclair is a minority/woman-owned wellness practice located in Montclair, NJ. Owner, Cathy Stephenson, has been practicing in Montclair since 2005. In 2022, she started Well in Montclair to help members of the community chart their individualized wellness path and reap the benefits of mult
Wildlife Victoria is a not-for-profit charity that has provided the Victorian community with a wildlife emergency response service since 1989. Wildlife Victoria's 24/7 Emergency Response Service responds to calls for help for wildlife from members of the public via an emergency phone and online r
About Us Northsight Recovery Center is committed to helping those whose quality of life has been compromised by substance use. Through client-focused care, a stable living environment, community partnerships, and lifelong dedication, Northsight Recovery Center is committed to helping those whose q
Every day around the world, professionals in industrial construction and rehabilitation apply our grouts and epoxies to meet a variety of challenges. Our proprietary formulations include high-performance cementitious and epoxy-based products developed specifically for challenging environments and ap
L’Association des Paralysés de France (APF), créée en 1933 et reconnue d’utilité publique, est un mouvement associatif national de défense et de représentation des personnes atteintes de déficiences motrices ou polyhandicapées et de leur famille qui rassemble 24 500 adhérents, 30 000 usagers, 25 000
Altrecht is er voor iedereen die specialistische geestelijke gezondheidszorg nodig heeft. Wij helpen mensen met psychiatrische problemen bij hun ontwikkeling naar herstel. Zodat zij de regie over hun eigen leven kunnen nemen en ze weer hoop en uitzicht krijgen op een leven dat zij zelf willen leiden
ProCare B.V. is specialist in de levering van meetapparatuur t.b.v. gezondheid van mens & werkplek. Wij zijn actief op de gebieden: sportmedisch onderzoek, sportperformance, fysiotherapie, revalidatie, bewegingsanalyse, bedrijfsgeneeskunde, arbeidshygiëne, wetenschap en onderzoek. Wij weten veel