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O Sesc/RS, instituição pertencente ao Sistema Fecomércio-RS, soma mais de sete décadas atuando em 100% dos municípios, promovendo o bem-estar social de trabalhadores do comércio de bens, serviços e turismo e de toda a comunidade. Todas as 497 cidades gaúchas recebem atividades sistemáticas em área
Wij vertegenwoordigen het perspectief van jongeren met een chronische aandoening of beperking. Als organisatie voor (en door!) deze jongeren weten wij wat er speelt, wat er beter kan en wat er wél werkt. Wij helpen bedrijven, gemeenten, zorginstellingen en politiek om jongeren een plek aan de tafel
The VONG Movement is promoted by Omysha Foundation. The VONG movement is Aam environment where the new generation is inspired and motivated to build a deeper understanding of global social issues. It’s where they find like-minded people and build synergies. The movement creates a safe space for lea
MOmenz informeert, adviseert en ondersteunt alle inwoners van Stichtse Vecht op het gebied van zorg, welzijn en wonen. Onze visie: Kwaliteit van leven en kwaliteit van samenleven MOmenz ziet een veerkrachtige samenleving voor zich waaraan iedereen naar vermogen bijdraagt. Die samenleving vormt een
Onze missie is betere zorg in de buurt voor de inwoners van Amsterdam en Almere van de wieg tot het graf. ----- Wij willen dat professionals en organisaties in het zorgveld en het sociale domein optimaal samenwerken zodat er meer samenhang en hogere kwaliteit van zorg is in de buurt. Met de kennis d
At UNMASKED, we are dedicated to empowering neurodivergent individuals and their families through tailored support, counselling, and community-driven initiatives. Founded by neurodivergent individuals, we understand the unique challenges faced by the neurodivergent community, and we strive to create
Join us at Raleigh Durham Startup Week, a free four-day celebration of our startup community! Everyone is invited. Make new connections and learn skillsets to launch, grow, and scale your startup. We can't wait to see you!
L’Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte est un établissement public financée par la Loterie Nationale. Elle assume un rôle important en matière d’organisation et de financement de projets et d’initiatives d’intérêt général au Luxembourg. Initialement créée pour venir en aide aux vic
Модеран јавни сервис који пружа услуге незапосленим лицима и послодавцима у Србији од 1921. године са мрежом од 34 филијале, 21 службом и више од 120 испостава у свим окрузима у Републици Србији. http://www.nsz.gov.rs/live/mreza/direkcija - National Employment Service is a modern public service an
D18 brengt beweging bij gemeenten en zorgorganisaties. Onze denkers en doeners helpen gemeenten en zorgorganisaties door heel Nederland doelen waar te maken. Met onze kennis, ervaring en energie vullen we tijdelijk de expertise en capaciteit van jouw organisatie aan. Wij ondersteunen, adviseren en
A relaxed lounge with a well-worn feel. Serving an abundant array of patrons. This place can offer a quiet wooden hideaway from the stress of your day to day or fill your weekend with exuberant socializing. Happy Hour Fun & Friendly Staff Locally Owned and Operated since 1996 Free Popcorn Huge Ou
Het PieterBrueghelHuis is de thuisbasis voor de inwoners van Meierijstad op het gebied van ontmoeting en sociale contacten, positieve gezondheid en vitaliteit, in de breedste zin van het woord. Het sociale netwerk wat in het PieterBrueghelHuis ontstaat of groeit, draagt bij aan zorg voor elkaar, gro
The Care Management Coalition of WNY (CMC) is a human services collaborative which provides a wide range of services to individuals and families, while improving organizations and systems.
Whitefish Bay School District is known across the state as enjoying high achieving students, supportive families, and excellent faculty and staff. Whitefish Bay is a caring community that is proud of its children and schools, holds high expectations for academic achievement, and is supportive of the
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club (HJWC) was founded in 1949, making this our 72nd year. HJWC members are local leaders of volunteer and philanthropic service and have earned tremendous recognition from the GFWC and IFWC throughout the years. The Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club is affiliated with the Gene
The Haven is a community funded shelter in conjunction with Women's Community Services providing a complete wraparound service to protect and uplift a woman and her children in times of crisis.
The Somali Family Safety Task Force is a nonprofit community-based-organization (CBO) located in the NewHolly neighborhood in Seattle, WA that serves refugee and immigrant women and their families. Not only are we community based but we are also community driven. Our founders as well as the majority
Een begrip in de NT2-wereld! We specialiseren ons in inburgering, participatie en taalverhoging. Van alfabetisering tot Staatsexamen, van Arbeidsmarkt en Participatie tot KNM.
Missie STAP7 wil mensen die begeleiding of ondersteuning nodig hebben toekomstperspectief geven. Dit doen we door samen te kijken naar wat echt belangrijk is. Wij geloven dat er energie ontstaat door het zien van perspectief en gaan hiermee aan het werk. Wij willen onze bijdrage leveren aan de maat
Positive Help supports adults and children living with and affected by HIV and Hepatitis. We remove barriers to treatment and support – providing transport to medical treatment, giving support at home, providing food parcels, and working 1-2-1 with children through Befriending and educational mentor
Pathways provides comprehensive support services designed to help women and children experiencing homelessness regain stability and achieve self-sufficiency. Our programs offer essential resources and a nurturing environment to foster growth and empowerment. In the early 1980s, the number of wome
Foster Greatness is a 501(c)(3) dedicated on changing outcomes for young adults who've experienced foster care. Our mission is to co-create a dynamic platform with people directly impacted by the foster system to set the standard of empowerment and support. Interested in becoming a community partne
In April 2021 openen wij in Haarlem onze deuren voor kinderen en jongeren van 5 tot 24 jaar. Het fundament van Het Huis bestaat onder andere uit het principe van circulaire zorg: door iedereen die bij een jongere betrokken is mee te nemen in de behandeling, van broertjes tot buurvrouw, van vriendin
The Ingenuity Programme is a national innovation programme that directly addresses the UK’s major social, health and environmental challenges through the creation of impactful new start-ups. Ingenuity focuses on 3 key challenge themes: building stronger communities, improving health and tackling cli
NNCC’s mission is to provide advocacy, public & human services to preserve and support families resulting in the improvement of quality of life, with an emphasis on the multicultural community. Today we serve Springfield Massachusetts and adjacent communities within Hampden County.
Agence Immobilière à Vocation Sociale
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs is a national charity that supports anyone concerned about someone else’s alcohol or drug use in Scotland. We give information and advice to many people and help them with confidence, communication, general wellbeing, and we link them into local suppor
The Collective for Hope combines the strength of its program brands (Grief's Journey, HEALing Embrace, and Ted E. Bear Hollow) and co-located services to lead response to loss, elevate the value of grief companionship, and promote healthy survivorship.
De samenleving vraagt meer en meer van mensen. De druk om te presteren is hoog. Het sociale vangnet wordt steeds kleiner. Polarisatie groeit. Verdraagzaamheid neemt af. Mensen die een delict hebben gepleegd of op het punt staan om een grens over te gaan, worden extra hard geraakt. Zij belanden steed
Nuova Vita è una cooperativa sociale di tipo “A”, dal 1997 punto di riferimento nell’Alta Padovana per l’assistenza, la riabilitazione, l’educazione e la promozione delle autonomie. Durante tutto l’arco di vita della persona con fragilità, la nostra missione è quella di garantire l'accesso ai migli
UNO is a culturally inclusive, community-driven non-profit that empowers young girls from Chicago neighborhoods. Through a comprehensive quality-of-life approach, we provide leadership and professional development, scholastic and transformative programs, and sports-based activities that enhance the
Päijät-Hämeessä sijaitsevan Hollolan visiona on olla juureva ja paras kotikunta, jossa voi monipuolisesti asua, harrastaa, tehdä työtä, yrittää ja toimia osana yhteisöä.
The award-winning Capital Area Council of Governments, governed by elected officials from the 10-county region it serves, has worked for more than 40 years as an advocate, planner and coordinator on important regional issues. CAPCOG operates programs and services related to public safety training,
LVWB Fundraising helpt al ruim 20 jaar culturele en maatschappelijke organisaties om hun doelen en ambities te realiseren door goede wervingsplannen te maken en uit te voeren. We zijn goed thuis in alle vormen van relatiegericht werven. Van sponsors tot vaste donateurs, vrienden, mecenaat en grote
Zuiderbos is een school voor speciaal onderwijs op basis- en middelbareschoolniveau. Wij zijn er voor onbegrepen onderwijsvragen die te maken hebben met psychiatrische problematiek of een vermoeden daarvan. Voor veel van onze leerlingen is Zuiderbos een tijdelijke school. Onze school heeft drie lo
Abalone Victoria (Central Zone) Limited (AVCZ) was established in 2015 to represent the views and interests of its members and to ensure appropriate governance of member resources.
Les CEMÉA c’est … UN MOUVEMENT. • Les pratiques pédagogiques des CEMÉA sont référencées à l’Éducation Nouvelle et à l’Éducation Populaire. • Elles sont réfléchies et portées par des bénévoles, des volontaires et des professionnels, des éducateurs, des enseignants, des travailleurs sociaux, des pers
Santa Monica Clube De Campo is a company based out of Brazil.
Een platform voor sociaal ondernemerschap ontstaan ten tijde van een bijzondere periode waarin wij in korte tijd onze krachten hebben gebundeld om de bezuinigingen in het sociaal domein van de Drechtsteden in 2019, met name op het gebied van participatie, te voorkomen door het uitten van onze gezame
The Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) provides leadership and resources for sexual assault programs and allies to prevent sexual violence while promoting a comprehensive, socially just response for all victims/survivors. We support, convene, and collaborate with sexual assault prog
Durham Crisis Response Center works with the community to end domestic, sexual and family violence and human trafficking through advocacy, education, support and prevention.
The Care Center is a ministry of Willow Creek Community Church. We are committed to offering services that help meet immediate needs as well as services that help build toward a more sustainable future for individuals and families in the Chicagoland area.
Mensa is an international community of persons who have scored in the top 2% on a standardised IQ test. Since its founding in 1946, Mensa has grown to more than 130'000 members. Members are not obliged to perform specific tasks but many choose to attend meetings, parties, courses, and international
Merrimack Autism Consultants is a private company located in Lowell, Massachusettes specializing in providing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy to families and children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other related disorders, We are committed to helping individuals achieve their m
The Student Jewish Medical Association UK (SJMA) aims to bring like-minded Jewish medics together regardless of where they study. The SJMA provides opportunities to meet new people in a relaxed, enjoyable environment. We hold a number of events throughout the country. To get in touch please email
The Upsilon Alpha Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta welcomes you to their home on LinkedIn. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.
Established in 1927, Brookfield has been a premier private country club for families across several generations. With golf, tennis, swimming and socializing, our members view us as a home away from home.
The Government of Assam is the governing authority of Assam, a state of India. It consists of the Governor nominated by the Government of India as the head of the state. The head of government is the Chief Minister. who is the leader of the group that commands a majority in the unicameral Assam Legi
Mercy Canada is a non-profit Christian organization dedicated to helping women break free from life-controlling issues, including eating disorders, self-harm, drug and alcohol addictions, depression, physical and sexual abuse, and sex trafficking. 🔹 Christ–centered counselling and support 🔹 Life