Social Programs

Explore 3,075 companies in Social Programs

The Tombs


Situated on the edge of Georgetown University’s campus, The Tombs is a neighborhood restaurant by day and a popular gathering place for Georgetown students by night. Whether its students watching a Hoya basketball game, Georgetown alumni sharing a pitcher of lager or neighbors enjoying Sunday brunch

KOZYAK MINORITY MENTORING FOUNDATION INC is a company based out of 2525 PONCE DE LEON BLVD FL 9, CORAL GABLES, Florida, United States.

As the Tribal Government for the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, we provide educational, cultural, social, and health programs and services to our citizens. We own and operate Jamestown Family Health Clinic, Jamestown Dental Clinic, Jamestown Excavating, Carlsborg Self Storage, and Northwest Native Expre



ConTXT strengthens community ties and supports rehabilitation by keeping inmates connected with their loved ones, helping to pave the way for successful reintegration into society.

Het Vierde Huis


Het Vierde Huis helpt gemeenten en woningcorporaties bij het aanpakken van woonproblemen. In Nederland hebben we oog voor deze mensen en hun problemen. En Het Vierde Huis helpt gemeenten en woningcorporaties bij het aanpakken van deze woonproblemen. Dat doen we gestructureerd, samen met alle betrokk

The Tuxedo Club


The Tuxedo Club is a distinctive social institution that, since 1886, has provided its members, their families and guests with recreation and refuge in the close environs of Metropolitan New York City. The Club’s unparalleled grounds, varied sporting venues and multiple clubhouse facilities offer ye

Sandwell Children’s Safeguarding Partnership (SCSP) aims to ensure all children in Sandwell are safe, happy, healthy and achieving. The revised Statutory Guidance Working Together to Safeguarding Children (2018), brings together Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) (with Sandwell Children’s

Wij zijn TransitiePartners, het adviesbureau met impact in het sociaal domein. Ons t(o)pteam ondersteunt gemeenten over de hele keten met datagedreven adviezen, beleid en slimme tools. Resultaatgericht en toegewijd. Om echt het verschil te maken! Specialismen: Sociaal domein | Jeugdhulp | Wmo | Be

The North Georgia Mountain Crisis Network, Inc. is a non-profit, non-denominational, charitable organization for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The North Georgia Mountain Crisis Network, Inc.’s (NGMCN) mission is to provide safe shelter and support services for all survivors of d

At Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central and Southern Interior (BBBSCSI) their mission is to enable life changing Mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people, and our vision is for all young people to realize their full potential.

RICHLAND COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES is a county-operated agency in Richland Center, Wisconsin providing human services and public health to the community including Aging & Disability Resource Center, Behavioral Health Services, Child & Youth Services, Economic Support Services, and Public Heal

The Social-Environmental Economy program (SEE) is a unique program cultivating the next generation of Israeli economists. We provide students with additional theoretic knowledge, as well as practical training in Israel's public sector. Our aim is to promote a fair and sustainable economy in Israel

Portage JFS serves county residents through its four divisions that provide public assistance and employment assistance, and work to ensure payment of child support and protection of children and adults from abuse or neglect.

Samen anders denken. Samen anders doen. Elk kind verdient het om veilig, gezond en kansrijk op te groeien. Dat gunnen we elk kind. En elke ouder, want het ouderschap kan soms best uitdagend zijn. Iedereen wil graag grip op het eigen leven, soms is daar ondersteuning bij nodig. Kracht Den Haag is er

Grupo Urgatzi


En Grupo Urgatzi tenemos como misión el desarrollo de proyectos innovadores y sostenibles para la planificación, prestación y gestión de servicios que tienen como objetivo contribuir a la integración social, la promoción de la autonomía y el bienestar psicosocial de personas en situación de dependen

At Better Word Partners, we believe in the transformative power of words. We specialize in helping mission-driven organizations harness the potential of language and storytelling to advance their missions, engage stakeholders, and drive meaningful change. With a deep understanding of the unique chal



Vijf is het aanspreekpunt voor ondersteuning, welzijn en zorg in de gemeente Roermond. Onze leefcoaches staan midden in de wijken klaar voor de inwoners en helpen hen op weg wanneer zij een vraag hebben voor zichzelf of een naaste. Of wanneer zij graag het verschil willen maken in hun wijk.

Southside ReLeaf


Southside ReLeaf is a community and volunteer-driven organization committed to environmental justice in South Richmond.

Midden-Groningen is een mooie moderne gemeente, een gemeente met 24 prachtige omringende dorpen, goed om in te leven en voor te werken; ruim, veelzijdig, compleet, uitdagend en altijd op zoek naar vooruitgang. De komende jaren investeert de gemeente in een nieuwe stadshart en in de leefbaarheid. De



Farent is sterk in sociaal werk. Daarvoor hebben we alles in huis. Van buurtondersteuning tot individuele hulp. Met 250 professionals en ruim 1000 vrijwilligers zijn we betekenisvol voor bewoners in ’s-Hertogenbosch, de Meierij en Midden-Brabant. Farent is ontstaan uit een fusie van Welzijn Divers

De Rooms-katholieke Studentenvereniging Albertus Magnus, kortweg Albertus, is een algemene studentenvereniging in Groningen, opgericht op 14 december 1896. Met meer dan 2300 leden is de vereniging de tweede studentenvereniging van Nederland. De Sociëteit Ons Eigen Huis, gevestigd aan de Brugstraa

We at Heritage will provide personal, individualized care and service and we will make a difference in the lives of those we serve. We will build caring, supportive relationships that nurture the body, mind and spirit of our clients and staff alike and we will reach out into the community to service

Vitis Welzijn


Vitis Welzijn zet zich in voor een vitale samenleving. We stimuleren en steunen mensen om mee te doen in de samenleving, elkaar te ontmoeten en naar elkaar om te zien. De stichting telt zo'n 80 zeer betrokken medewerkers en zou het vele werk niet kunnen realiseren zonder de inzet van de ruim 1.200

Le Grdr Migration-Citoyenneté-Développement est une association internationale de droit français composée de professionnels (agronomes, économistes, sociologues, géographes, urbanistes, travailleurs sociaux…) qui mettent leur savoir-faire au service des populations des territoires sur lesquels il ag

South Texas Royal Rangers is a mentoring ministry for future men. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment. Our mission is to evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christlike men

In 2024, a call to action was made to address the ongoing mental health concerns of clients in California, the need for services in permanent supportive housing, and trauma-informed property management training. Innovative Health and Housing Solutions answered this call by offering comprehensive ser

Née de la fusion, début 2018, de la Fondation Méquignon et du CFPE établissements, Droit d'Enfance accueille et accompagne au quotidien des enfants et adolescents (de 3 mois à 21 ans) confrontés à des difficultés sociales et familiales multiples : carences éducatives, conflits parentaux, conduites a

Bolton Refuge House, Inc (BRH) is a service provider serving individuals affected by domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. Locations in Eau Claire, Jackson, and Buffalo Counties in Wisconsin provide services to thousands of adults and children

We are a team of seasoned educators, social workers, psychologists, vocational counselors, and other professionals with a proven track record of successfully working with adults with disabilities.

Through its committed staff and volunteers, La Comida serves Palo Alto seniors a delicious, warm, sit-down meal each weekday that meets the recommended daily dietary allowance. The organization provides a nurturing environment in which diners can commune, connect, and build friendships. It is a crit

PPI Singapura ("Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Singapura", or "Indonesian Students' Association in Singapore") is an organization of Indonesian students in Singapore. PPI Singapura has been established since 2005, which was then inaugurated on 11 March 2006 and fully supported by the Embassy of th

UX Jobs


(Our Story: In 2009, a simple Twitter feed emerged as @ia_uxjobs, igniting a movement by designers, for designers. With a grassroots ethos and a hand-curated touch, it aimed to uplift overlooked talents and roles in the industry. Its mission was clear: to amplify positivity

The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (OCADSV) was founded in 1978 as a feminist nonprofit organization comprised of programs serving survivors of domestic and sexual violence throughout the state. We provide technical assistance, training, and public education to local crisis ce

We care therefore we are committed and passionate in helping you establish and maintain the loyalty of your strong supporters.

The Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law (The Center) was founded in the early 1980s by Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Bar and Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles. Since its inception, the Center has served as a cornerstone of family law and domestic viol

Ixta Noa


Ixta Noa is een laagdrempelige organisatie voor mensen die hulp zoeken. Dit kunnen mensen zijn die zelf psychisch onbalans ervaren, maar ook mensen die in hun (in)directe omgeving te maken hebben met mensen met een psychisch probleem. In dit laatste geval kun je denken aan ouders, partners en vriend

VICTORY STARTS NOW is a civic & social organization company based out of 157 W 82ND ST, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Community Health Services. > Workforce Supply > Community Health Services > Covid19 Testing / Services > Education and CPD

Kesho Collective


The Kesho Collective CIC is a Community Interest Company dedicated to empowering communities in South Africa through partnership with local charities. We focus on unity and collective effort to source and distribute essential resources. Our activities include organising fundraising events and enco

Wij zijn #WijvanWijdemeren! Met ongeveer 200 mensen zetten wij ons in voor ruim 25.000 inwoners. We zijn een uitdagende werkgever die continue in ontwikkeling is. Kenmerkend zijn de prettige informele werksfeer, de korte lijnen en de diverse ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden. Omdat we relatief klein zijn,

O Cristo Rei tem mais de 85 anos de história. Escola Confessional Católica que pauta seu agir pedagógico na antropologia agostiniana.

The VONG Movement is promoted by Omysha Foundation. The VONG movement is Aam environment where the new generation is inspired and motivated to build a deeper understanding of global social issues. It’s where they find like-minded people and build synergies. The movement creates a safe space for lea

At UNMASKED, we are dedicated to empowering neurodivergent individuals and their families through tailored support, counselling, and community-driven initiatives. Founded by neurodivergent individuals, we understand the unique challenges faced by the neurodivergent community, and we strive to create

The award-winning Capital Area Council of Governments, governed by elected officials from the 10-county region it serves, has worked for more than 40 years as an advocate, planner and coordinator on important regional issues. CAPCOG operates programs and services related to public safety training,

CZ zorgkantoor


We regelen in opdracht van de overheid langdurige zorg, passend bij de zorgbehoefte van de individuele cliënt. Kwaliteit van leven en welbevinden staan daarbij centraal. Met betrokken en deskundige medewerkers werken we aan duurzame langdurige zorg.

Hollolan kunta


Päijät-Hämeessä sijaitsevan Hollolan visiona on olla juureva ja paras kotikunta, jossa voi monipuolisesti asua, harrastaa, tehdä työtä, yrittää ja toimia osana yhteisöä.

Модеран јавни сервис који пружа услуге незапосленим лицима и послодавцима у Србији од 1921. године са мрежом од 34 филијале, 21 службом и више од 120 испостава у свим окрузима у Републици Србији. - National Employment Service is a modern public service an

The Collective for Hope combines the strength of its program brands (Grief's Journey, HEALing Embrace, and Ted E. Bear Hollow) and co-located services to lead response to loss, elevate the value of grief companionship, and promote healthy survivorship.



MOmenz informeert, adviseert en ondersteunt alle inwoners van Stichtse Vecht op het gebied van zorg, welzijn en wonen. Onze visie: Kwaliteit van leven en kwaliteit van samenleven MOmenz ziet een veerkrachtige samenleving voor zich waaraan iedereen naar vermogen bijdraagt. Die samenleving vormt een

The Care Management Coalition of WNY (CMC) is a human services collaborative which provides a wide range of services to individuals and families, while improving organizations and systems.