Social Programs

Explore 3,802 companies in Social Programs

Active Suffolk


Active Suffolk is one of 43 Active Partnerships across England. Working with a wide-range of local partners, our aim is to make Suffolk a physically active and successful sporting county. Our role is to co-ordinate sport and physical activity programmes in Suffolk and support the development of clu

Access Living


Governed and staffed by People with Disabilities, Access Living promotes the inclusion, empowerment and independence of people with disabilities. Through our work in housing, education, civil rights, health care reform and economic development, Access Living opens up opportunities and neutralizes ob

Sister Warriors Freedom Coalition is a member-led organization of over 5,000 formerly and currently incarcerated and systems-impacted women and trans people of all genders. We improve conditions for women and trans people of all genders by fighting for – and winning – policies and systems change tha

ReConnect Rondo


Our mission is to lead the effort to revitalize the Rondo community with a land bridge that reconnects Rondo and reignites a vibrant African-American cultural enterprise district in Saint Paul.

Danny Met Sally


The organisational purpose of ‘Danny Met Sally’ is to set the benchmark standard of services provided for the disability community. The philosophy that drives our organisational purpose is to support every client, staff member, their extended family, and everyone who comes into contact with DMS wit

The IMAGE Center for people with disabilities is dedicated to new thinking about disability. Those of us with disabilities need an environment in which we can experiment and create – find new ways and new solutions. Whether it is a blind person learning to pour coffee or a person in a wheelchair try

Missouri Slope Areawide United Way is a community problem solver that brings people and organizations together to address community issues in the Bismarck-Mandan region. We connect specific needs with the resources and best practices needed to address them.

All Saints Multi Academy Trust is a unique, joint faith family of schools, comprising The Academy of St Nicholas, The Academy of St Francis of Assisi, All Saints Sixth Form College, Faith Primary Academy, St Margaret's Church of England Academy, Hope Academy, St Mary’s Catholic Infant and Junior Aca

For over 30 years, Bridging the Gap (BTG) has been firmly embedded in WA's local communities providing a diverse range of programs to deliver employment, career development and training services to disadvantaged and disenfranchised individuals to build their self sufficiency through social inclusion

Tagame inimesele sotsiaalse kaitstuse. Iga inimene võib mistahes eluetapil vajada elukvaliteedi hoidmiseks, taastamiseks või suurendamiseks ühiskonna poolset abi ja toetust. Sotsiaalkindlustusamet suhtleb aktiivselt inimestega, hindab ja analüüsib nende toimetulekuvõimet ja pakub vajadustest l

Amirah, Inc


Amirah, Inc. is a Massachusetts-based nonprofit organization that provides exit and aftercare services to people who have experienced sex trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, and prostitution. Amirah’sw independent housing program and non-residential services are centered around three cor

PRO Drachten


Voor de leerlingen die nét iets meer nodig hebben, biedt onze school een breed aanbod aan ondersteuningsmogelijkheden. Hebben jullie ondersteuningsvragen op het gebied van gedrag, leren, taal/spraak of sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling? Wij hebben een breed team van goed opgeleide en kundige specialis

Colorado Christian Services comes alongside women in unplanned pregnancies and Christian adoptive couples, in building families through caring, experienced and professional adoption planning services.

Stichting STAD


STAD (Stichting Talent And Dreams) is een snelgroeiend, tikkeltje eigenwijs maar super gemotiveerd projectbureau voor jongeren. STAD realiseert creatieve en innovatieve projecten gebaseerd op de intrinsieke motivatie van jongeren. De jongeren organiseren het project en wij begeleiden hen daar gedure

At the Digital Childhood Agency, we work exclusively at the intersection of childhood + digital. We partner with policy makers, brands and digital platforms to better support children’s digital lives. You are experts in your field. We are experts at the intersection of childhood and technology. Tog

BoardWalk Group


At BoardWalk Group we walk alongside community organizations, integrated networks, and policymakers, acting as connectors, advisors, and collaborators. We aim to strengthen and amplify the community sector supporting them to play a vital role in improving societal health and well-being.

We select children ages 4-6 in Wayne County who are at risk of entering foster care and pair them with a professional mentor called a Friend that stays with them through graduation, 12+ years, no matter what.

Youth Live4Life


Live4Life believes that when rural communities come together to support young people, they save lives. Youth Live4Life is a registered health promotion charity which is responsible for the award-winning Live4Life program. Live4Life currently operates in six rural

Gemeente Elburg


De gemeente Elburg kent een rijke historie en is prachtig gelegen op de Veluwe, omgeven door bos en water. De gemeente bestaat uit vijf kernen: ’t Harde, Doornspijk, Hoge Enk, Oostendorp en Elburg. De gemeente Elburg wil voor haar 23.000 inwoners een doelmatige en dienstverlenende organisatie zijn

Calgary Learns


Calgary Learns is a company based out of 1723 40 St SE Calgary AB T2A 7Y3 40 St SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Solutions for Today and the Rest of Your Child’s Life Teen and Family Services is committed to providing teens ages 13-18 and their families the tools, skills and knowledge to deal with mental health and substance abuse problems in a holistic way. The mission of

The mission of the Housing Authority of the City of Aurora (AHA) is to develop and promote quality housing while supporting and encouraging economic opportunities leading to self-sufficiency and independence. AHA accomplishes this mission by providing affordable or subsidized housing at 8 different

The Children’s Trust is a dedicated source of revenue established by voter referendum to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade County by making strategic investments in their future. The Children's Trust, our staff and 33-member board are committed to funding programs that offe

AICS Tunis


Regional Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation responsible for development aid, technical cooperation, humanitarian assistance and emergency aid initiatives in Tunisia, Libya, Morocco and Algeria.

Life Leisure

1 follower

At Life Leisure, we really love what we do and the people we do it for. We believe that physical activity can enhance the health and well-being of communities, and we work to positively impact the mental, social and physical good health of local people. We are a Community Interest Company (CIC) wh

We're the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector with a membership of over 250 voluntary and community organisations and an active network of practitioners that spans education, health and social care. As a membership body we provide a collective voice that champions the rights of childre

To help individuals with autism achieve independence and gain confidence

Rooted in excellence, our programs provide support for individuals with autism so they can thrive and achieve their full potential throughout their lives.



Our virtual agent is designed for the social housing sector and minimises calls into the contact-centre by automating common business processes such as repair booking and managing rent. The virtual agent responds to tenant queries with pre-trained AI trained from thousands of real customer interacti



INFIPP est depuis 40 ans un acteur majeur de diffusion des connaissances et des pratiques de soins et d’accompagnement en santé mentale. Nous formons tout type de public intéressé par des questions de santé mentale. Soit dans notre centre de formation à Villeurbanne, ou dans vos propres structures,

The Council of Autism Service Providers is a non-profit association of autism providers committed to evidence-based care.



We are a regional partnership of healthcare and welfare organizations. We are committed to providing appropriate support and care in North Holland North, Zaanstreek-Waterland, Amsterdam, Diemen and Amstelveen. Our partnership has 120 members with a total of more than 130,000 professionals for 1.8 mi

We’re here to help! We’ll meet you with warmth and care in a judgment-free atmosphere. Our trained advocates will listen to your story and we will provide information on abortion, adoption and parenting. We want to know you and what you care about so you can make the choice that’s right for you.

Veilig Thuis Twente (VTT) is een regionaal advies- en meldpunt voor huiselijk geweld voor alle 14 gemeenten in Twente. We stoppen alle vormen van huiselijk geweld tegen volwassenen en kinderen. Zorgen ervoor dat acute onveiligheid opgeheven wordt en creëren en borgen duurzame veiligheid binnen huise

STEM Santa Fe


STEM Santa Fe advocates for, develops and provides STEM programming, mentoring and resources for all youth, especially under-represented groups in STEM, to realize their potential and expand their opportunities in a dynamic world.

Ska Kinderopvang


Ska Kinderopvang verzorgt opvang in kinderdagverblijven, speelleergroepen, bso's en tienerclubs in bijna alle wijken van Amersfoort, en in Hoogland, Hooglanderveen, Nijkerk, Leusden en Utrecht. Ska Kinderopvang staat voor betrouwbare en ook gewoon geweldig leuke opvang! Wij bieden: • Veel aandacht

The primary function of the Cheshire SAR is to assist Cheshire Police with searches for vulnerable missing people. But the team also has capability for flood response, evidence searching and assisting other emergency services as the need arises.

London Councils

1 follower

London Councils is the collective of local government in London. Where shared ambitions are developed, agreed, championed, and delivered by members working together. Where they speak as one and collaborate with the government, the Mayor of London, the London public sector, the third sector, business

SGA Youth & Family Services leads positive change for children and families in Chicagoland's most challenged and underserved neighborhoods. The human service agency has provided free, comprehensive services since its founding in 1911. SGA believes that sustainable community change results from a foc

Based in Portland, Oregon, our team has worked at the nationally and statewide level and in communities across Oregon. Founded by Amy Ruiz, Jennifer Williamson, and Kari Chisholm.

Red Engine Team


Moments with friends, redefined. The team behind @flightclubdarts and @electricshuffle

Wheeler Mission


Wheeler Mission helps men, women, and children facing homeless, addiction, and poverty. Wheeler is a non-denominational, Christian, social services organization, which provides critically needed goods and services to the homeless, poor, and needy of central Indiana without regard to race, color, sex

Reclink Australia provides evidence-based sport and art programs to disadvantaged Australians to create socially inclusive, life-changing opportunities. In partnership with more than 450 community organisations, Reclink Australia's programs create pathways to improved health and wellbeing, educatio

Founded in April 2016, First Tee - Virginia Blue Ridge services the City of Charlottesville, and the counties of Albemarle, Buckingham, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Nelson, and Orange. Since its inception, the organization implements game-changing programs through local partnerships, community organiza

The Conduit


The Conduit is a global community of people passionate about social and environmental change. Our clubs in London and Oslo bring together social entrepreneurs, investors, creatives, business leaders, policy-makers and civil society. Sign up to RADICAL REALIST to discover new ways to change the world

Our rich and dynamic history in 1941 when a group of visionary leader recognized there was a growing need to support and serve he community. Committed to the belief that a vibrant community take care of its own as the nation entered World War II, they set in motion a series of extraordinary accompl

Hans Knudsen Instituttet er sat i verden for at hjælpe mennesker, der er uden for arbejdsmarkedet. Uanset om barrieren er fysisk, psykisk eller social. Uanset om man er ung, midt i livet, sygemeldt eller på anden måde har svært ved at klare sig selv. Vi arbejder konkret med uddannelse og beskæftige

Douglas County Sheriff's Office serves our community in providing law enforcement patrol, criminal investigations, court security, warrant service, crime scene investigations and lab testing, civil process and community outreach services. We offer sworn or law enforcement jobs, non-sworn or civilian

Human Protection


Missie Human Protection Het meest betekenisvolle bedrijf zijn, om bij onvrijwillige zorg te ondersteunen, met producten en diensten, met als doel ‘’het minst beperkende, het meest in te zetten’’ Visie Human Protection De meest humane oplossing bieden bij onrust, door onbegrepen gedrag in de zorg,

Minters is er voor inwoners van Maassluis, Vlaardingen of Schiedam. Daarnaast zijn we in Maasland en Hoek van Holland actief op scholen. U kunt bij ons terecht met al uw vragen op het gebied van wonen, welzijn, zorg, relaties, opvoeden en opgroeien, de buurt of uw inkomen. Onze dienstverlening en cu