Teens & Young Adults

Explore 184 companies in Teens & Young Adults

Marble Health

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Creating access to therapy for teens



At DIVD Works, we don’t just connect employees with employers—we build bridges to the future. Our mission is to create tailor-made solutions that meet the unique needs of both job seekers and businesses, ensuring the right talent finds the right opportunities in today’s digital job market. We believ

Sweetie High


Sweety High is an online platform for teen girls.

One Oat Foundation serves as a dynamic platform that cultivates soft skills for future generations, nurturing them with ever-evolving knowledge. We offer comprehensive training and profound insights that empower young individuals to grasp, prepare for, and ultimately transform present and future cha

The Relatives


The Relatives is a system of resources that helps youth and young adults find safety, stability, and pathways to independence. Our Services: Youth Crisis Center: 24-hour facility that keeps kids safe and families together by providing respite care for runaway or homeless youth ages 7-17 for up to



Yubo, the social platform where Generation Z creates communities of friends around the world

Shots Studios


Shots Studios is a Los Angeles-based, data-driven entertainment company that produces online comedy and music videos.

Little Island is an award-winning independent publisher of quality fiction for children and young adults. Our mission is to publish and promote excellent books by new writers from the island of Ireland as well as publishing some books in translation from other languages. We take pride in bringing su



BillMyParents is a shopping system for children to purchase using their parents’ credentials via an email request and approval system.

Stichting Responsible Young Drivers Nederland is een verkeersveiligheidsorganisatie voor en door jongeren. Het is ons doel om het aantal verkeersslachtoffers terug te dringen. Dit doen we door het uitvoeren van ludieke, eigenwijze, innovatieve, en niet belerende bewustwordingscampagnes. Wij focusse

PEP! is een non-profit die ervoor zorgt dat meer jongeren een diploma behalen in een studierichting die bij hen past en meer jongeren de stap zetten naar het hoger onderwijs. Zo voorkomen we dat kostbaar talent verloren gaat. PEP! is het aanspreekpunt dat iedere jongere leert, informeert, motiveert

Tous Albatros


Tous Albatros, c'est d'abord l'histoire de trois femmes qui s'associent pour créer une méthode croisant leurs différentes spécialités : l'accompagnement social, l’animation socio-éducative et le coaching. Parce que construire son futur implique de comprendre sa propre histoire, Tous Albatros conçoi



Unglue.it is an online platform that publishes free ebooks for young adults.



At DevMinds, we empower teenagers and young adults through transformative education. We mentor young talents and adults, equipping them with vital personal and professional growth skills. With DevMinds Junio, we focus on holistic development, blending hands-on learning, mentorship, and innovation. O



A mobile platform that connects teens in local neighborhoods with adults and businesses looking for help with tasks or small jobs.



JobsFirstNYC creates and advances solutions that break down barriers and transform the systems supporting young adults and their communities in the pursuit of economic opportunities. The systems designed to improve the livelihoods of young adults are fragmented and slow to respond to today’s rapid



On a mission to accelerate the positive transformation of young adults who seek to make the most of their path forward. GapWell product and services are built to enhance your journey from high school to career by advising, coaching and delivering the tools you need to thrive.



NEVER MISS A VIDEOThe video app that's changing the way You watch online!This is the way to never miss all the latest and best online videos. Free, Simple and easy-to-use, VITASCOPE delivers meaningful video recommendations, offering exactly the content you’re looking for.Enrich your video viewing w



Unigo is an online business matching students with colleges, scholarships, internships, student loans, majors and careers.



Computer programming for kids/teens



Papercutz is dedicated to publishing great graphic novels for all ages. Popular with reluctant readers and gifted readers alike, Papercutz graphic novels include a wide range of genres, including humor, action adventure, mystery, horror, and more. We work every day to introduce young readers to the

Call Us At: (888) 618-9270 Clearfork Academy is a Christ-centered residential treatment center for adolescent boys between the ages of 13 and 17 years old who struggle with substance abuse or addiction and the accompanying mental health and behavioral issues. Clearfork is a family-style living env

PFLAG National


PFLAG is the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford began in 1860 as the birthplace of the nationwide Boys & Girls Club movement. Four women; Louisa Bushnell, Mary Goodwin, Alice Goodwin and Elizabeth Hammersley, believed that boys who roamed the streets should have a positive, healthy place to live and grow, so the

YES provides runaway, homeless and foster youth with safety, stability and housing, along with the relationships and resources to thrive now and in the future.

Advisory is a fully youth-led registered charity that aims to empower young Singaporeans to make informed career and further education choices. With funding from the National Youth Fund, Advisory has helped over 207,000 beneficiaries across its online repository; offline and online events; ancillary

Cincinnati Youth Collaborative (CYC) makes its mission to increase high school graduation rates by empowering vulnerable students to overcome obstacles and succeed in school and in life. It is a 501(c)3 nonprofit established by community leaders within schools, businesses, and local government. T

Sexual health care and education for young people through age 25. Mission Statement: The Annex helps young people take charge of their whole health by providing equitable, accessible, and confidential sexual health services and education. The vision of the Annex Teen Clinic is a community where al

Junior Library Guild, a book collection services for librarians, provides newly published literature for children and young adults. It's our mission to partner with librarians, teachers, organizations, and parents to fuel excellence in libraries, literacy, and learning.

Half Moon is a specialist young people’s theatre in Tower Hamlets which has a national remit with funding from Arts Council England, in addition to funding from the Local Authority. The company gives young people from birth to 18 an opportunity to experience the best in young people’s theatre, both


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We are Sulake! We build and manage vibrant, engaging online communities for teenagers and young adults to have fun and express themselves, and we’re good at it! Currently, we’re both operating and developing two communities: Hotel Hideaway and Habbo. Hotel Hideaway is a virtual hotel for young adu

Sweetwater Pools, Inc. is a full serive pool company based out of 10408 Rockley Rd, Houston, Texas, 77099. Each year Sweetwater Pools hires and trains over 700 teens and young adults of all ages to work as lifeguards at over 95 neighborhood pools throughout the greater Houston area. You can apply

The E-Cell of NIT, Trichy is a strong energetic team established for fostering the spirit of Entrepreneurship and Innovation among the student community. From holding a college level B-Plan competition in its initial stages, E-Cell has broadened its portfolio and now holds a number of events includi

Sunrise Movement builds a movement of young people to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.

The Global Shapers Community is a network of city-based Hubs developed.

The Harris County Department of Education is a public entity dedicated to helping meet the needs of uniquely challenged learners and school staff in the state’s largest county through innovative programming and support services. HCDE directly serves approximately 30,000 students with four alternativ

Fedelta Home Care


Putting Families First: The Fedelta Difference. The Pacific Northwest’s Premier In-Home Care Specialists!



Soliya is a non-profit organization that promotes global and cross-cultural education events for young adults.



Kenga is an avant-garde publication curated by young African creatives to document the stories, trends, and people driving Afro Gen Z culture. To help brands connect with Gen Z in Africa, Kenga also collaborates with top African creators on campaigns that drive youth culture on the continent.

Beltran Enterprises Manufacturer Provide Sports wear, Team wear, Sports Uniforms with Customized logo, design, size and color https://beltran-enterprises.com/

Public library in Odessa, TX. Established in 1938. Library cards and events are free to the public, along with wi-fi access. Diverse collection: print, web, tech. So much to see and do here. Humorous, informative, current, family oriented, community supporter, we can help you grow.

DUF er en paraply- og interesseorganisation for 80 samfundsengagerende børne- og ungdomsorganisationer. DUF fremmer unges inddragelse i demokratiet og foreningslivet. DUFs medlemsorganisationer er inddelt i grupperinger: elev- og studenterorganisationer, handicaporganisationer, kirkelige organisat

Sandstone Care


Sandstone Care provides addiction treatment services. Their services include mental health treatment, provides addiction-occurring disorders, residential, rehab for young adults, young adult day treatment, young adult intensive outpatient, teen residential, teen afterschool, mental health treatment,

The Door provides a full range of youth development services to New York City teens and young adults aged 12-24, including reproductive health care and education; mental health counseling and crisis assistance; legal assistance; GED and ESOL classes; tutoring and homework help; college preparation s

We know that lasting personal and social change comes about when we all work together. That’s why, at the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, gro



4level1 English courses are designed according to international CEFR standards. The courses are designed to improve every aspect of your English through communicative goals for adults and young adults.

United American Indian Involvement is a non-profit organization that focuses on health, substance abuse, and mental health services.



K12 ACTIVITY ACADEMY PRIVATE LIMITED is an innovative internship platform thay provides internships thru their global platform INVENT to students of ages 13 to 21 yrs.



Valo guides teens to cultivate emotional wellbeing. On our weekend and school retreats we create a space where teens from a cross-section of communities come together. Time at Valo means: - unplugging from devices - connecting in real conversations - playing epic games (from sardines to spoons) -

B:E is Alameda County's primary provider of services for former foster youth.