Explore 3,802 companies in Social Programs
Free Hearts is a Tennessee statewide organization led by formerly incarcerated women that provides support, education, advocacy and organizing families impacted by incarceration with the ultimate goals of reuniting families and strengthening communities. Our vision is to be free. We are manifesti
Family Service Rochester is a community-based organization providing mental health, senior independence, child well-being, and family stability services. We listen to what people need and together we build better lives.
St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity supports people away from homelessness. Our VRF provides crisis grants to help people experiencing homelessness find and keep a safe place to live. Our Frontline Network provides funds, community, and resources for frontline workers across the UK. And in London we fun
Registered NDIS Provider. Riverlink is a community-based not-for-profit organisation that works closely with people who have a disability (participants), carers and their families. Our services and activities are shaped by listening to our participants and carers, empowering us to provide a range
Project Place is a prominent social service agency. They have been working in the community, serving clients in the face of significant challenges. Their clients have limited options for employment, stemming from problems related to poverty and insufficient education to perform adequately in today’s
Based in high schools, we provide young people with a caring, independent volunteer mentor who shows up each week, just for them. With time to listen, one-to-one support with a mentor gives young people a voice, empowering them to cope better, today and in the future. We've recruited, screened and
The University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union (UTGSU) represents over 22,000 students studying in over 115 departments. We advocate for increased graduate student representation and act as a voice for students by lobbying national, and provincial issues on your behalf. The UTGSU engages you thr
Forth Housing Association Ltd is a nonprofit organization management company based out of 21 Maxwell Place, Stirling, United Kingdom.
Hos Hyldgaard & Larsen tror vi på, at alle mennesker har potentiale til at udvikle sig og skabe en bedre fremtid for sig selv, uanset deres nuværende situation. Vi er dedikerede til at hjælpe vores borgere med at finde deres vej og tage kontrol over deres eget liv, og vores sociale løsninger er alti
Neosilver is the platform for connecting seniors with providers of collective, sports and cultural activities. Adapted in terms of prices, proximity and non operated schedules: off-peak hours. The activities take the form of workshops or group classes to promote exchanges and the social bond. With
Parthenon Labs was born from a simple idea: to make it easier for elected officials to build, manage, and nurture their relationships with constituents. The Parthenon Gov platform, tailored specifically for the public sector, empowers officials to better understand and respond to their community’s n
Caring Network is a faith-based Chicagoland non-profit. We have been caring for women facing unplanned pregnancies for the past 40 years. We have seven pregnancy centers in the Chicagoland area, with a goal to expand across the state of Illinois. These centers provide practical services such as pre
South Brooklyn Sanctuary trains everyday New Yorkers to provide legal support to recently arrived immigrants
Students Run Philly Style (SRPS) has a mission to use running and mentorship as a vehicle to transform students' lives, forever. These students challenge themselves on a daily basis, training alongside their mentors to run as far as a half or full marathon. Through their training, youth in the pro
Muhsen is a nonprofit umbrella organization serving children and adults with any intellectual, mental, or physical disability. Muhsen’s aim is to establish an inclusive and accessible environment for individuals with disabilities and their families. Muhsen will assume an active role to advocate and
INSPIRED COUNSELING LLC is an individual & family services company based out of 1290 N WILLIAMS ST, Denver, Colorado, United States.
For more than a decade the Catch A Lift Fund (CAL), a national 501c3 non-profit organization, has lifted spirits and saved lives, providing U.S. military combat veterans an array of holistic and practical methods to heal the whole person—mentally, physically, and spiritually. The program helps woun
Next50 is a private, national foundation based in Denver, Colorado. Since 2016, Next50 has been working toward creating a world that values aging. We power economic opportunity in aging with grantmaking and social investments.
The Rotary Club of San Jose meets at the San Jose Civic Center in downtown San Jose California, USA. There are 450 members. The Club has a large meeting room Called the Rotary Summit Center on the 7th floor at 88 S. 4th Street on the corner of 4th and San Fernando Streets across from the San Jose S
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis is a church founded by people who brought their brand of liberal Christianity to the frontier town that was Minneapolis in 1859. In the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we give, receive, and grow.
Zelie’s Home is a caring community that empowers pregnant and parenting women to take positive and effective action on behalf of themselves and their children by providing physical, emotional, spiritual, and professional support.
Our Vision: To further develop a District service environment that is responsive to community needs and which values the individuality of its residents.
The mission of Countryside YMCA is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Countryside YMCA is the single largest YMCA facility in the USA. We offer over 600 programs for each of our 5-week sessions. Our facility has many amen
The Sam Houston Area Council serves approximately 25,000 youth in 16 southeast Texas counties through the dedicated service and leadership of over 10,000 adult volunteers. Scouting is completely funded by the generosity of those who believe in its mission. Support of Scouting provides programs, serv
Habitat for Humanity of McHenry County is a non-profit dedicated to eliminating poverty housing by partnering with low-moderate income families who want to own their own home and assisting them with building new or rehabbing affordable housing. We provide an opportunity for partnership, but our par
Established on May 6, 1860, The Olympic Club enjoys the distinction of being one of America’s oldest athletic clubs. Long a west coast powerhouse in amateur sports, the Club is the home of many local, regional, national and international champions. Olympians compete in over 19 sports and enjoy two h
At Centacare Catholic Family Services Adelaide, our mission is to provide relevant, authentic and effective services that will enhance the quality of life of our clients and enable them to participate fully in the community. As the official community services agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Ad
The Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC) is a governmental entity that was established under state statute in 1967 as a comprehensive regional agency to "prepare plans for the physical, social and economic development of the District". The Council was formed in response to a growing need of local comm
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) is the national representative organization for Inuit in Canada, the majority of whom live in Inuit Nunangat, the Inuit homeland encompassing 51 communities across the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (Northwest Territories), Nunavut, Nunavik (Northern Quebec), and Nunatsia
Rochford District Council delivers a wide range of high quality services and is committed to ensuring that our residents remain at the heart of all we do as we move forward to start to deliver a range of plans emerging from our new Business Plan. Elected Members and staff have worked hard to approac
Me Kelassa rakennamme yhteiskuntaa, jossa jokainen voi luottaa siihen, että saa tukea ja turvaa, kun sitä tarvitsee. Kelassa on paljon erilaisia työtehtäviä ja monipuolista osaamista. Olemme vakaa työnantaja ja osaajamme arvostavat sitä, että meillä saa työskennellä pitkäjänteisesti. IT-palveluis
Mission: Save the Family equips families to address poverty, overcome homelessness and achieve self-sufficiency. Vision: We envision communities free from family #homelessness.
Sense International is a global charity supporting people with deafblindness in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Peru, Romania, Uganda and Nepal.
Rebuilding Together Sacramento is committed to providing safe and healthy housing repairs, focusing on our neighbors who are seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, and families with children. As a community revitalization partner, we help families stay in their homes, allow seniors to age in p
Müstakil Sanayici ve İşadamları Derneği (MÜSİAD); hakkın ve hukukun, adaletin ve eşitliğin, barışın ve güvenin, refahın ve mutluluğun sağlandığı; tarihe ve topluma mal olmuş mahalli ve evrensel değerlerin gözetildiği, kendi içinde bütün, bölgesinde, ekonomik ve siyasi alanda etkin, dünyada saygın bi
With more than 100 million people forcibly displaced across the world, specialist trauma-focused services that empower refugees to thrive have never been more important. The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc. (also known as Foundation House) was founded in 1987 to advance the health
826LA is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting students ages 6 to 18 with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. Our services are structured around our understanding that great leaps in learning can happen with one-on-one at
Rijnstad is een brede welzijnsorganisatie. Onze maatschappelijk werkers en sociaal raadslieden helpen Arnhemmers die problemen hebben in hun relaties of met financiële zaken worstelen. Ook zet Rijnstad in een groot deel van de stad activiteiten op voor een uiteenlopende groep mensen. Voor peuters, k
With the support of the Upper Valley community, the Haven assists those who are experiencing poverty to be free from hunger, to be securely housed, and to pursue a self-directed life. Founded in 1980, the Haven provides food, temporary shelter, supportive housing, children’s after school and summer
Unity House provides transitional and permanent housing, respite care, and rehabilitative and employment services for individuals with mental illnesses, developmental/intellectual disabilities, and/or chemical dependencies from which they are recovering. A nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded in
McHenry County offers absentee voting, accident reports, address changes for real estate documents, the Adopt-A-Highway Program, adult detention, all kids' insurance, amateur radio, animal adoptions, animal control, beach water testing, bids and RFPs, bioterrorism information, birth certificates, bo
CHIOC helps Orange County residents access health and social service programs by providing outreach, education, enrollment, and case management services to vulnerable populations. We strive to ensure that clients acquire, retain, and utilize community resources effectively. CHIOC has been providin
Haven House Services is the place where youth who need help find it. Founded in 1973, Haven House operates 11 programs that help more than 1,200 youth in need each year overcome their challenges and find a path to success. Whether they are experiencing homelessness, a crisis at home or school, gang
UR Action brings Americans together across divides to build relationships, explore different views, strengthen collaboration skills, and tackle our nation's most urgent challenges
ONG española, apolítica y laica, que trabaja desde 1960 a favor de las personas refugiadas y desplazadas, con especial atención a las más vulnerables por género e infancia. ONG Rescate desarrolla tres tipos de actuaciones: Atención Directa a personas migrantes, solicitantes de asilo, refugiadas en
Who we are: The Northern California College Promise Coalition is a regional effort to bring together leaders, practitioners and resources and share leadership over the shape of college success efforts in the region. Our community is focused on changing outcomes and systems for low-income, underrepr
MISSION | To be a transitional housing program providing a Christian environment that helps homeless families become self-supportive, self-reliant contributors to society. ABOUT | Hillcrest Transitional Housing offers homeless families, singles and youth a disciplined educational program within a c
Girls on the Run Georgia is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum, which creatively integrates running. This a transformational physical activity based positive youth development program for
Talent and culture matter, which is why we want to play our part to help close the digital talent gap and increase gender diversity. Our mission is to grow the number of women in digital-focused roles. Why? Because we believe it creates an opportunity for innovation and success.
The Give1Project is a global organization that aims to engage young people as leaders in creating and building strong and healthy communities. Ultimately, promoting GLOBAL FLUENCY. The project accomplishes this aim through the successful operation of a network of hunger relief, health care, civic