Marissa Koscielski

GM, Contract Research at 3Spine

Marissa Koscielski graduated from the University of Notre Dame with an undergraduate degree in math and a concentration in neuroscience. She then attended the same university’s ESTEEM program, one of the world’s premier graduate programs in technology and entrepreneurship. Marissa’s theoretical math background combined with her interests in neuroscience, pathophysiology, and the different models of health care delivery led her to the medical space, where she now looks for new ways to innovate.

Recently, Marissa played a key role in the conception, design, and development of two medical devices: a syringe stabilizer created to help administer self-injections, which is currently undergoing the FDA approval process, and new rehabilitation technology for lower limb amputees and stroke patients, a project that is in development. In her clinical administrator role, Marissa works on everything from guiding patients through the surgical process to handling data collection and reporting related to BalancedBack. She also helps the company maintain regulatory compliance for clinical operations.


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