Michael J. O'Hara

SVP CIO at A. H. Belo

Michael J. O'Hara has a diverse work experience in various technology and leadership roles in the media industry. Michael J. started their career as an MIS Director at Daily News Los Angeles, where they were responsible for strategic planning and managing IT and production departments. Michael J. then moved on to the Los Angeles Times, where they served as an IT Director, managing technical support teams and overseeing disaster recovery efforts. Michael J. also took on the role of Manager of the Year 2000 Project, overseeing a large budget and coordinating with multiple teams. Afterward, they joined Belo Corporation as an Executive Director of Technology, where they successfully created a centralized IT support organization and managed budgets and support teams. Michael J. continued their career at AH Belo as a Vice President of Technology, identifying and implementing technologies that resulted in cost savings and increased efficiency. Currently, they hold the position of SVP/CIO at DallasNews Corporation, where they lead multiple departments and is responsible for the company's commercial printing business and distribution operations. Overall, Michael J. O'Hara has demonstrated their expertise in technology management and strategic planning throughout their career in the media industry.

Michael J. O'Hara's education history includes a Master of Business Administration degree from Regis University. The specific field of study for this degree is not provided. Michael J. also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology from the University of Phoenix, with a focus on Information Technology. Additionally, they have attended the CIO Institute at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, but the degree obtained from this institution is not specified. No information regarding the start and end years of these educational experiences is provided.


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