Mason Babin

Associate Engineer at Advano

Mason Babin is an Associate Engineer at Advano where his work supports the development, optimization, and quality management of new processes that deliver superior Silicon-enhanced LiB anode materials. He brings this vision of a carbon neutral future and drive for excellence to his work at Advano.

Upon starting college, Mason’s original plan was to become a toxic site reclamation engineer, which is the reason that he learned Mandarin and attended the NSF Separations Processes REU Program in Fayetteville, Arkansas, while also pursuing his degree at Tulane. After much reflection, Mason decided to join Advano to help solve, in his opinion, the most important piece of the puzzle for addressing climate change caused by fossil fuel use.

Mason followed a lifelong passion for sustainability solutions to Tulane University’s Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, where he graduated with honors in 2019.