AerCap Holdings NV


AerCap is the global leader in aircraft leasing with one of the most attractive order books in the industry. AerCap serves approximately 200 customers in approximately 80 countries with comprehensive fleet solutions. AerCap is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (AER) and has its headquarters in D... Read more


Dublin, Ireland




Org chart

Aengus Kelly's profile picture
Aengus Kelly
Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director
Profile photo

Aengus Kelly

Bart Ligthart's profile picture
Bart Ligthart
Chief Investment Officer
Shane O’Reilly's profile picture
Shane O’Reilly
Chief Risk Officer
Bashir Hajjar's profile picture
Bashir Hajjar
Head of Americas
Brian Canniffe's profile picture
Brian Canniffe
Group Treasurer
Emmanuel Herinckx's profile picture
Emmanuel Herinckx
SVP & Head Of Asia Pacific
John Govan's profile picture
John Govan
Head of EMEA
Jorg Koletzki
Chief Information Officer
Pat Sheedy
President & CEO, Milestone Aviation
Peter Anderson
Chief Commercial Officer
Peter Juhas
Chief Financial Officer
Richard Greener
Head of Cargo
Risteard Sheridan
Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer
Theresa Murray
Head of Human Resources
Vincent Drouillard
General Counsel
Margaret Kim
Head of OEM Relations
Aimee Craig
CEO of AerCap Materials
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