Erkan Şahinler, having graduated from Boğaziçi University Business Administration in Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, started his career with independent audit field in 1990. Starting with 1993, he took part in Sabancı Holding companies in various managerial positions in Finance and Information Systems; including Marsa Kraft Foods International between 1993-2005, Gıdasa between 2005-2008, and Exsa UK in 2008. He joined to Aksigorta in 2008 as Assistant General Manager of Financial Affairs and widened his responsibility with Claims and Operations fields in 2016. After having the responsibility of Assistant General Manager of Finance in AvivaSA between 2017-2021 and since March 1st, 2021, he is working as Planning, Analysis and Finance Director in Sabanci Holding. In addition to his responsibility in Sabancı Holding, Erkan Şahinler has Board Memberships in Teknosa and Temsa İş Makinaları and he is appointed as the General Manager and Board Member of Exsa, Tursa and AEO which belong to Sabancı Group.