Allan Hancock College


Allan Hancock College is a California public community college located in northern Santa Barbara County. The college offers opportunities for those who want to begin a bachelor's degree (university degree), earn an associate degree (two-year degree), prepare for a career, or upgrade skills. The coll... Read more




Org chart

Kevin G. Walthers

Nohemy Ornelas
Associate Superintendent & VP of Student Services
Paul M. Murphy
VP of Institutional Effectiveness
Bob Curry
Associate Superintendent & VP, Academic Affairs
Jon Hooten
Executive Director, College Advancement
Ruben C. Ramirez
Director, Human Resources
Lauren Milbourne
Director, Public Affairs & Communications
Andy Specht
Director, Information Technology Services
Melinda Martinez
Executive Secretary to the President
Carmen S. Camacho
Executive Assistant to the President & Board of Trustees
Dennis Curran
Cfo/vice President Of Finance And Administration

Board & advisors