Ambridge Group


We write a wide variety of complex transactional and specialty casualty and reinsurance risks, creating customized responsive underwriting solutions for a range of exposures. At Ambridge, we understand any problem and our experienced team is committed to providing a responsive underwriting process,... Read more

Org chart

Jeffrey Cowhey
Co-founder and Group CEO

Jeffrey Cowhey

Dan Auslander
Chief Distribution Officer
Hugo Webb
Managing Director - International Tax And Contingency
Peter Griesch
Managing Director - Head Of Tax And Contingency Insurance
Amy Landefeld
Senior Vice President, Cyber
Jon Liening
Managing Director - General Liability And Excess Casualty
Sean T. Doyle
Managing Director & Senior IP Counsel
Thomas Umstatter
Chief Operating Officer
Nick Rotondo
Senior Vice President - Head Of MPL
Ted Nienburg
Senior Vice President
Patrick Pirozzi
Senior Vice President
Philip Glorieux
Managing Director
Tanyel Serpemen
Managing Director
Diane Cotrim
Senior Vice President - Public Entity And Non-profit
Matt McLaughlin
Senior Vice President