Anne Varet

Associate Member at Association des Economistes de l'Energie

Anne VARET joined ADEME on January 10, 2011, as Research and Prospective Director. She is also in charge of the Economy and Prospective service, reference service in terms of socio-economic expertise, and in charge of coordinating ADEME's forecasting exercises. Between 2007 and 2011, Anne VARET acted as Director of Innovation Research within the Forest, Cellulose, Wood Construction, and Furniture Technological Institute. Previously, she was Director of Research at AFOCEL, a study and research organization for the French Forest, Wood, and Paper sector.

Anne VARET has a thesis in molecular pathophysiology and is an engineer from the Institut National Agronomique Paris Grignon. She was an auditor at IHEST from 2009 to 2010. Anne Varet is currently a member of the Scientific Council of INRA and ENPC.


  • Associate Member

    Current role