1 follower

ATC scales enterprise businesses by building solutions for real customer problems, from ideation, development, through to support and evolution.





Org chart

Darryl Jose
Founder & Advisor

Darryl Jose

Tara Jones
Ashok Inderjit
Agile Training Coordinator Manager
Don Eiling
Region Sales Director - Software Dev Teams & Consultant Staffing
Manfred Pereira
Senior Recruiting Manager
Michael Connor, MS
Senior Market Director
Natalie Peters
Training Coordinator & Development Manager
Nick Reddin
Vice President
Parag B.
Chief Information Officer
Stephanie Toms
Director of Market- Midwest
Vanessa Simms
Training Coordinator & Development Manager
Philip Wilson
Tamer S.
Chief Technology Officer
Royal Raj
Senior Bench Sales Recruiter
Prabhu Devan
Recruitment Account Manager
Nazma Yasmeen
US IT Recruiter
manohar V
Us it recruiter
Kishok Kumar
Lead Recruiter
Jessica Pereira
Bench Sales Recruiter
Ishika Jain
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Deon Xavi
Senior Technical Recruiter
Dency Mary
Recruitment Consultant
Deborah Doris
Technical Recruiter
David Aaron
Senior Technical Recruiter
Bernie Tully
Andrew Anthony
Senior Account Manager, Human Resources Manager, Recruitment Specialist
Amrita Jain
Technical Recruiter
Lucky S
Senior Recruitment Specialist
Syed Amer
Senior Sales Recruiter
A. Bharath Kumar
Senior US IT Recruiter
Aboobakkar Abdul Nashir
Senior Technical Recruiter