Lizzie Paris

Software Consultant & Developer at Atomic Object

Lizzie Paris is a Software Consultant and Developer, she gets to do both! she loves spending time with someone who has a problem they don’t know how to fix and teasing out the goals, constraints, challenges, and possible paths forward. When she develops, she constantly thinks of how she can help the other folks involved, whether it’s by nailing that seamless experience for the end user, or by crafting simple, intuitive code that’s easy for her colleagues to collaborate with. When the work she does is making someone’s life (or day) a little better, she knows she's on the right path.

she earned her B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan and began her career developing computer hardware. After a few years, she became anxious to tap into her creative and visual sides, so she pivoted to web development. When she discovered the thrill of writing some code and then immediately seeing an update on the product, she was hooked right away! Before joining Atomic, she developed web applications for a real estate startup and learned so much about an industry that she never expected to tap into. One of the reasons she's so excited to be part of the Atomic Object team is the multitude of opportunities to learn about new industries and craft quality software to serve all sorts of people.



  • Software Consultant & Developer

    February, 2023 - present