Automotive Transformation Group


In the summer of 2021, we announced the industry-shifting launch of Automotive Transformation Group - your leading provider of automotive, omnichannel, digital retailing solutions. We exist to free our customers from the shackles of complicated vehicle sales, delivering alternative seamless solution... Read more





Org chart

Tim Smith
Chief Executive Officer

Tim Smith

Mitchell Titley
Chief Financial Officer
Anson Moniz
Chief Product Officer
Danielle Worth
Client Services Director
Phil Cole
Head Of Account Management - Fleet
Chris Laird
Sales Operations Director
Marlon King
Business Intelligence Lead
Richard Johnston
Chief Revenue Officer
Claire West
Social Advertising Lead
James Taylor
Head Of Performance, Insight And Marketing Services
Lauren Ambrose
Talent & People Director
Matthew Oakley
Head Of Fleet & Risk
Dave Johnson
Principal Vehicle Data Specialist
Adam Campbell-Smith
Head Of Software Engineering
Callum McCurrach
Technology Director
Grzegorz Ewald
Head Of Data Engineering
Jon Ryan
Data Director
Matthew Westbury
Lead Software Engineer
Maureen D.
Technical Product Manager - Data Solutions
Jonathan H.
Senior Information Security Officer