Robert Stafford

Software Engineer at Avail Car Sharing

Robert Stafford has worked in various roles since 1999. In 1999, they started as a Senior Content Engineer at Commerce One, where they worked as a trainer for the XML Content Pipeline and did instructional design, teaching virtually and physically all over the world. In 2002, they began working as an Adjunct Professor at Cuyamaca College, where they ran the Tutoring Center and ran assessment tests involving a dozen employees, for hundreds of students at a time. In 2016, they became an English Teacher at C2 Education, where they were responsible for instructing students and lesson planning. In 2021, they enrolled in the Advanced Software Engineering Immersive Program at Hack Reactor. Currently, they are a Software Engineer at Avail, where they build out new backend-functions, moves legacy functions from a mono-repo to a more micro-services architecture, and bug-hunts. Robert's bug fixes also include front-end work, and they work primarily with JS, TS, React, Cucumber, and Kafka.

Robert Stafford is currently enrolled in Hack Reactor's Advanced Software Engineering Immersive Program, which they began in 2021. Prior to this, they completed a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from San Diego State University.


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  • Software Engineer

    June, 2022 - present