We are BAMO. For thirty years, we've created captivating environments that flow, function, and make people feel welcome, at ease, and inspired to live — and to dream — more fully.   A collective of designers, we bring to each project a richness of experience and perspective, along with an impassione... Read more





Org chart

Becky Ezeh

Ashley Venturini
Associate Principal, Director Of Marketing & Business Development
Michael C Booth
Principal, Owner
Lauren McGuier
Associate Principal
Ryan Barr Ra
Associate Principal
Alyssa Muench
Interior Designer
Amaza Lam
Associate Principal
Mia Ann Carver Murphy
Interior Designer
Christina P.
Interior Designer
Ap Dina Marinelli
Senior Project Designer
Elaine Hwa Smith
Associate Principal
Emilie Spalding
Interior Designer
Gabriela Clark
Interior Designer
Janet Mercier
Associate Principal
Jessica Berry
Project Designer
Kyle le
Sr. Interior Designer
Ap Laura Bolton
Interior Designer
Lauren Myers
Senior Designer
Lexie Eglin
Senior Interior Designer
Martin Oestlund
Associate Principal
Richard Wu
Design Assistant
Tipaporn B.
Interior Designer
Brady Johnson
Project Designer
Erin Altman
Project Designer
Jennifer Sharp
Senior Designer
Krista Barry
Project Designer
Nicole Bertrand
Junior Designer