Kirana Limpaphayom

Head of Power Business, Banpu Public Company Limited at Banpu PCL

Dr. Kirana joined Banpu Group as Head of Strategic Planning in 2009 to lead the team of strategic planners, while serving as the group’s Investment Committee to oversee corporate investment abroad. In early 2013, Dr. Kirana relocated to Australia to assist Banpu’s Australian and Chinese subsidiaries in their underground mining operations, which resulted in the companies’ success in significant cost cutting and streamlining. In 2015, Dr. Kirana transferred to Indonesia and assumed the role of President Director at the publicly listed PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITM), where he led the company to add over USD 750 million into retained earnings from 2016 to 2020. Since April 2020, Dr. Kirana has been in charge of the power generation business as Chief Executive Officer of Banpu Power PLC (BPP), a Banpu subsidiary which has power generation assets in various countries across the Asia-Pacific region.
