Beacon Mobility


Beacon Mobility develops and provides customized, mobility-based solutions for people of all ages and abilities.

Org chart

Profile photo

Judith Crawford

Courtenay Casaccio's profile picture
Courtenay Casaccio
Chief People Officer
Cor Van Dyk's profile picture
Cor Van Dyk
Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Kilner's profile picture
Kevin Kilner
Chief Safety Officer
David A. Duke's profile picture
David A. Duke
Chief Development Officer
Sam Hayes
Chief Commercial Officer
Emran Saidan
SVP of Alternative Solutions
Ryan Devlin
VP of Safety, Compliance & Fitness
Scott Barta
VP of Finance & Controller
Pete Delani
VP of Client Relations
Manu Agarwal
VP of Corporate Development & Strategy
Scott Sheridan
Region VP, Midwest
Abe Jungbauer
RVP, Midwest
Anthony Brunshtein
Senior Director of Business Transformation
Alice Marks
Vice President Of Communications