Robert Bianchi

Managing Partner at Bianchi, Kasavan & Pope

Bob Bianchi grew up in California’s Central Valley. He attended the University of San Francisco, graduating with a B.S. in Accounting in 1975. After six years with the Stockton accounting firm of Grant, Thornton he moved to the Monterey area and entered the private industry, becoming a partner in a privately held oil and gas exploration company. After growing the company into a multi-state oil producer, he and his partner sold the enterprise to a publicly-traded company in 1991. Mr. Bianchi then used his unique experience of being on both sides of the desk to form the accounting firm Bianchi & Company in Hollister, California. He merged his company with the accounting partnership of Ron Domingues and Kerry Lorincz in September 1996, and the firm has since expanded to become Bianchi, Kasavan & Pope, LLP, a premier Central Coast public accounting firm with offices in Monterey, Hollister, and Salinas. In 1999 Mr. Bianchi successfully completed the Business Valuation courses offered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Mr. Bianchi’s 43 years of professional experience have shaped the professional guidelines he follows in providing solutions with value to all of his clients, which include partnerships, corporations, and trusts. The Central Coast’s rich farmland and rural population fit nicely with Mr. Bianchi’s own third-generation California family history. A strong commitment to community service has been a core element of Mr. Bianchi’s life since his early days in public accounting. His resume includes member, officer, and director positions with the Central Coast YMCA, Monterey County Business Council, Sacred Heart Parish School & Foundation, Monterey Bay Area Vistage International CEO Group, Monterey Bay Council of the Boy Scouts of America, Hollister Rotary Club, Italian Catholic Federation of San Carlos Parish and the Saint Angela Parish Knights of Columbus.



  • Managing Partner

    Current role