Mees-Merijn Kaandorp

Customer Support Representative at BUX

Mees-Merijn Kaandorp is a Customer Support Representative at BUX. Prior to their current position, they worked as a Marketing Intern at Productpine from September 2020 to January 2021. Their responsibilities included influencer marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, SEO, and social advertising. From June 2018 to May 2020, Mees-Merijn worked as a Customer Care Specialist and Webcare at Nationale Postcode Loterij. There, they helped the Dutch Charity Lotteries raise funds for charitable organisations and to raise awareness for the work they carry out.

Mees-Merijn Kaandorp has a Bachelor of Science in International Business and Management Studies from the Amsterdam School of International Business. Mees-Merijn also has a Minor in Marketing Tomorrow (Digital Marketing) from Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. In addition, they have certification from Google in Google Ads Certification (multiple) and Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ).

Some of their coworkers include Bo Knol - Customer Support Lead, Jesse Toussain - Customer Support Representative, and Rafael James Summervile - Customer Support Representative. Their manager is Nigel Nowotarski, Head of Customer Support.


  • Customer Support Representative

    Current role