Bradlee Wilson

Consulting Software Engineer at CapeRay

Bradlee graduated from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 2015 with an honours degree in electrical and computer engineering and in 2019 earned an MSc in radar engineering at UCT for a thesis entitled “Automatic Generation of a Floor Plan from a 3D Scanned Model” in which he used a colour depth sensor and a custom-designed algorithm. Brad has a special interest in both embedded electronics and software development. At CapeRay, he was responsible for preparing Aceso for in-the-field operation, while he also improved the co-registration of their X-ray and ultrasound images and contributed to the design and implementation of AcesoFusion in conjunction with their Italian partner, NeoLogica. In June 2019 Brad was recruited by Amazon in Cape Town, but continues to consult to CapeRay on a part-time basis, and in 2020 made important contributions to the software architecture of the new automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) product called Epione.


  • Consulting Software Engineer

    Current role