Simona Fusco

Risk Control And Monitoring Anti Money Laundering at Gruppo Cassa Centrale

Simona Fusco currently serves in risk control and monitoring of Anti Money Laundering at Cassa Centrale Banca Gruppo Bancario since November 2018. Concurrently, since October 2009, Simona has held multiple key roles at Coopfidi, including Referente Ufficio Reclami Abi, overseeing complaint management in compliance with regulations; Responsabile Ufficio Legale e Contenzioso, handling disputes and credit recovery; Responsabile segnalazioni centrale rischi, ensuring proper reporting and classification of risk positions; and Responsabile Ufficio Antiriciclaggio, managing suspicious transaction reports. Previously, Simona was responsible for the Office of Incentives and Aids to SMEs at Artigiancredito del Lazio SCRL from September 2007 to October 2009. Educational qualifications include a Master's Degree in European Parliamentary Studies and Constitutional History from Sapienza Università di Roma and a Law degree from Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata.
