Todd Hamilton


Todd Hamilton received his Bachelor of Science at the University of Utah and later completed his residency at the University of Louisville Hospital. He specializes in otolaryngology. Todd is board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology.

Todd grew up working in a dental office with his father who was a local dentist. He was inspired by the care and attention his father gave to creating meaningful interactions and relationships with each patient. Because of his father’s example, Todd chose to specialize in Ear, Nose, and Throat conditions.

Todd finds addressing and solving the problems of his patients very rewarding. He loves to hear from parents that their child no longer has an ear infection, they’re eating better, and even sleeping better. In medicine, Todd strives to always do what’s best for the patient. When considering treatment plans, he chooses options that are going to give the patient the most satisfaction. In addition to that, he wants to give the patient the best quality of life. Patients need and deserve to have clear expectations from providers and staff members, so he makes sure that this happens.


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