Centrica Energy


Centrica Energy is a renewable energy trading company operating out of eight offices across all time zones to move energy from source to use. Our mission is to drive the green transition while offering sustainable and predictable energy costs for suppliers and offtakers. In short, we call ourselves... Read more




Org chart

Chris O'Shea
Group Chief Executive

Chris O'Shea

Heather Mason
COO Special Projects / Business Manager
Rijumon Sasidharan
Head Of Asset Management Solutions & Renewable Delivery Manager
Aki Danmark Palikaras
Human Resources Director
Nanna Damgaard Glad
Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer
Jesper Jung
Vice President Trading, Analytics And Algorithms
Geert Meynckens
Contract Manager
Niels van Den Driessche
Flexibility Sourcing & Sales Manager
Vivek Katyal
Head Of Legal, LNG