Cherwell Software


Optimize your ability to deliver services more efficiently, reduce demand on operators, and manage processes, workflows and service experiences. Cherwell improves service delivery across the entire organization.

Org chart

Alison Alfers' profile picture
Alison Alfers
General Counsel
Michael Foster's profile picture
Michael Foster
Product Owner
Chad Hanson's profile picture
Chad Hanson
Senior Engineer/team Lead
Jakki Erosky
Program Manager, Customer Experience
Michael Bott's profile picture
Michael Bott
Customer Situation Manager
Kimberlee Quello's profile picture
Kimberlee Quello
Business Development
Robin Kleeman
Senior Sales Operations Specialist
Eric Inostroza
Sr Content Developer
Warren Peterson
Senior Learning Developer Instructional Designer

Board & advisors

Rob Salvagno
Timothy Pfeifer
Co-Founder & Director
Vance Brown
Director and Co-Founder