Yosi Dediashvili-Drosso

CTO & Co-Foudner at City Hive

Yosi Dediashvili-Drossos is the co-founder and CTO of City Hive. An expert in software development, Yosi has worked in R&D on highly sensitive projects for Elisra, an Israeli manufacturer of high-tech and experimental electronics, as well as in R&D for the IDF.

A gifted programmer with a steadfast refusal to accept technological limitations, Yosi has secured patents for created the technological basis of City Hive. In an industry that processes billions of dollars and trillions of individual data points, Yosi has built the backbone of the largest single hub of information and financial transactions in the industry. Described by his contemporaries as the “Micheal Jordan of Software Development” and more succinctly as a “genius,” Yosi masterfully guides City Hive into a technological future of its own making.



  • CTO & Co-Foudner

    Current role