Adam Rossbach

Chief Technical Strategist at CliniSync

Adam serves as Chief Technical Strategist in new research and development for the organization, creating strategies and exploring innovation as CliniSync moves forward.

He previously held the position of Director of the Health Information Exchange (HIE) for the CliniSync HIE and worked with team of professionals who implemented 151 hospitals statewide so they can exchange patient health information with physicians and other providers.

As the Ohio Department of Insurance Chief of Staff’s Special Project Manager, Adam became involved in several data exchange initiatives including the formation of the Ohio Health Information Partnership in 2009.

Prior to that, he served as staff liaison to the legislative advisory committee on House Bill 125 to the 128th General Assembly. He wrote the committee’s final report, which recommended standardization in electronic communications and interoperability among healthcare providers and insurance companies in Ohio, specifically in the areas of web-based eligibility and real time claims adjudication. He also worked on applications and projects for the Governor’s Office, the Office of Budget and Management, and the Department of Administrative Services.

In 2009, Adam assisted with the application for federal grants on behalf of the organization to develop health information technology in the state. His expertise in writing helped Ohio receive more than $43 million in federal funding for the creation of Regional Extension Centers and a statewide health information exchange. The HIE funding has been used in the creation of the CliniSync HIE and in implementing Ohio’s hospitals.

Simultaneously, he assisted in the startup of the Ohio Health Information Partnership, laying the groundwork for the technological infrastructure and serving as the IT manager. He joined the organization full-time in September of 2010. Adam negotiated, implemented and trained staff on both web applications and personal computing solutions. As the HIE coordinator, he helped write the state plan for Ohio’s statewide exchange for submission to the federal government and assisted in the acquisition of a vendor to support the infrastructure. Upon approval of the state plan in January 2011, the Office of the National Coordinator of HIT released $13 million in funds to Ohio. Adam is responsible for leading the office’s interoperability initiatives including assessing hospitals for HIE readiness and preparing them for integration.

As CliniSync develops, Adam will continue to play an integral role in the creation and implementation of Ohio’s first statewide exchange. A native of Ohio, Adam earned a B.A. in humanities at Michigan State University.

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