Coastal Plain Area EOA


Coastal Plain Area EOA is a nonprofit organization that provides services to increase livability, decrease poverty, and empower citizens.

Org chart

Tanya Thomas' profile picture
Tanya Thomas
Executive & Head Start Director
Profile photo

Tanya Thomas

Carla Gervin's profile picture
Carla Gervin
CSBG Director
Shannon Lloyd's profile picture
Shannon Lloyd
Finance Director
John Tyno's profile picture
John Tyno
Weatherization Director
Ashley Kilpatrick's profile picture
Ashley Kilpatrick
Child Development Manager
Stephney Davis' profile picture
Stephney Davis
Disability & Mental Health Manager
Kelvin Pettway's profile picture
Kelvin Pettway
ERSEA Manager
Tracy Ragan
Health & Nutrition Manager
Courtney Johnson
Health Manager
Feliciano Lewis
Operations Manager
Megain Emilien
Child Development Manager
Valerie Glee
Nutrition Manager
Kissie Hunt
Executive Administrative Assistant


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