Patrick Gardner

Associate Director at COF Training Services

Patrick completed his undergrad studies at Emporia State University in 2010 graduating and majoring with a Bachelor’s of Science in Social Science.

Patrick joined COF Training Services in 2013 as a Targeted Case Manager over the Coffey and Osage county areas. After 12 months as a TCM, Patrick became Direct Support Manager of Alternative Day Program Services for COF. In 2016 Patrick was promoted to Area Director of Osage county. Now, as the Director of Operations for COF, as of May 2018, Patrick helps leads the management team in all three counties to ensue individuals who receive their day, residential and supported living services are receiving quality care and being integrated within their local community. His current work focuses on building strong relationships with individuals, staff, and community. This will be accomplished by services being designed and implemented to provide supports to assist people to dream, plan, believe, and achieve.

Patrick is active in his community, serving on the Osage City Chamber of Commerce as the Vice president. He has also assisted with getting several people involved civic organizations around Osage City such as Kiwanis where volunteer efforts are made twice a week. “I am a huge believer that we all have the responsibility to give back. I believe that giving back is one of the best life lessons we can teach each other. “

When he is not at work, he enjoys spending time with his two little ones, coaching basketball, attending sporting events, and spending time with family and friends. To get more information regarding services at COF Training Services, Inc., you can contact him via e-mail at

Org chart


  • Associate Director

    Current role