Jesus Christ

Board Chairman, President & CEO at Compuverse

The Creator and Son of the Most High God, who became part of His creation in order to save us from our sins, was born into humanity by the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified on a cross and separated from His Father for those grueling 3 hours while he took upon Himself the sins of the entire human race, he died, was buried, he preached victory to those in Sheol and on the third day was raised from the dead by the glory of God the Father, Jesus walked again on the earth for 40 days in His resurrected body, ascended into heaven and is physically seated at the right hand of the Most High God in the second heaven where Jesus has been given all power and all authority in heaven and on earth until His return to earth where He will reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years and then judge the living and the dead at the Great White Throne Judgment after which Jesus will return authority to God the Father as they create the New Heavens and the New Earth.

It is this Jesus who is legally the President and CEO of Compuverse Technology Corporation. He is not a figurehead or an idea but an active participant in our company It is unto Him we work under the immediate direction of God's Holy Spirit while in service to others.

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