Bruce Anderson

GM of Operations at Connect Logistics Services Inc

Bruce has 41 years experience in operations, logistics and transportation within the liquor industry. Prior to Connect Logistics, he had 15 years’ experience in warehousing and retail operations with the Alberta Liquor Control Board. During that time, he held several management positions within the operations including transportation and retail support within the Alberta network.

Since the privatization of Liquor operations in 1994 with the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission, Bruce transitioned into operations with Connect Logistics. During that time, he played a major role in the transition from government to private operations within the liquor industry. Bruce carried several management positions with the operations including logistics and transportation and currently holds a senior management role in operations for multiple facilities for the last 13 years. He is a professional member and logistician through the Logistics Institute, certified in P.Log and in applied innovation P.A.In.


  • GM of Operations

    Current role