Countryside Cooperative


Countryside Cooperative is a private business that is owned and controlled by the people who use its products, supplies and/or services. Countryside's overall communal function is to see that farmers, producers, workers, and consumers accomplish more collectively than they could individually.




Org chart

Jim Dell
CEO & President

Jim Dell

Keith Arnold
Chief Financial Officer
Michelle Leeder
Chief Human Resources Officer
Don Schlising
Chief Information & Communications Officer
Jim Tiedke
Chief Sales Officer
Nick Christen
Vice President, Agronomy
Aric Dieter
Vice President, Animal Nutrition
Hans Pflieger
Vice President, Credit Operations
Lee Parker
Vice President Energy & Retail
Lacy Seibert
Vice President, Grain
Dean Danielson
Vice President, Risk Management
Rodney Balvitsch
Business Unit Manager
Tim Toraason
Convenience Store Division Manager