CTS Engines


CTS Engines is a recognized world leader in mature aircraft engine maintenance, providing MRO and testing services for commercial and military operators worldwide. CTS specializes in the overhaul of CF6-80C2, CF6-80A, and CF6-50 engines from their main service center located adjacent to Fort Lauderd... Read more

Org chart

Vesa Paukkeri
Chief Commercial Officer (cco)

Vesa Paukkeri

Jeremy C. Singh
Talent Acquisition Manager
Afiya Webb
HR Respresentative
Cynthia Parrilla
Vice President, Human Resources
Robert Longoria
Vice President Of Quality & Operational Excellence
Geert van Damme
VP Sales & Marketing EMEA - ASIA For CTS Engines
Ron Moure
Senior Vice President - Programs
Alfredo Andres Salcedo
Purchasing Coordinator
Kevin Parmenter
Sr. Director Of Sales