

Curinos provides data, tchnology and insights to financial institutions.






Org chart

Craig Woodward

Barbara Creagh
Chief People Officer
Brandon Larson
EVP of Omnichannel, Sales & Experience
Lisa Brown
Global Head of Commercial Strategy & Product Management
Holly Meacham
Global Head of Sales & Marketing
Kari Staine
Director Of Client Services, Research & Fulfillment Operations
Barbara C.
Chief People And Culture Officer
Janet Cadogan Esq.
Senior Vice President Of Legal Affairs
Ariel Kornberg
Chief Information Officer
Henry I.
Managing Director - Marketing Solutions - Strategic Sales And Delivery
Paul Grayston
Managing Consultant
Mahwish Mahmood
Director Of Channel Operations
Cailey Gerken
Accounting Director
Nicola Benjamin
Senior Accounting Manager
Nicole Vitale
Accounting Manager
Andrew Shade
Senior Data Scientist
Christopher Tuson
Product Manager
Kristi Muse
Senior User Experience Designer, Curinos
Shelly Photiades
Director, Client Success For Marketing Solutions
Bryan Snyder
Director, Small Business Solution Sales
Maura Passione
Principal Consultant
Sankar Nair
Senior Vice President - Software Engineering And Devops
Rob McLaren
VP Engineering
Bruce Li
Software Architect
Bu Li
Software Architect
Eric Freeman
V.p. Infrastructure & Security
Muhammad Sabir
Senior Software Architect