Bradley Voytek

Advisor at Data Science Alliance

Dr. Bradley Voytek was a respected UCSD Professor and neuroscientist, he was a renegade data scientist revolutionizing transportation at Uber. Brought in to bring direction to the chaos at the nascent startup, he helped Uber use data to change how they move through cities worldwide following his exit, Brad dusted off his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from UC Berkeley determined to bring a data scientist acumen to traditional research. By aggregating and examining the data of fellow neuroscientists, his award-winning research has isolated neural activity critical to understanding cognition and disease. An evangelist for the power of data science to create cross-disciplinary advances, Brad serves as both a start-up investor and advisor. Cognizant of the need to build a pipeline of talent in the field, he also teaches the next generation of data scientists as a founding faculty member at the Halıcıoglu Data Science Institute, and the Neurosciences Graduate Program at UC San Diego. Brad also moonlights as a consultant to the United States National Academy of Sciences Science & Entertainment Exchange - aiding and abetting the talents of writers and filmmakers in their portrayals of science.


  • Advisor

    Current role