Flemming Videriksen

ceo & founder at DecideAct

Flemming Videriksen is the CEO and founder of DecideAct, a management consulting firm. Flemming has over eight years of experience in the industry, having previously served as the chairman and co-founder of CapaHouse and CEO and founder of OPG Consulting.

Videriksen has a proven track record in helping organizations find the right solution and achieve growth. Their experience in management consulting, strategy, and leadership has helped him develop a unique perspective on how businesses can achieve success.

Videriksen is a strong believer in the saying, "the straight way for executives and boards to succeed with strategy, culture, implementation and leadership." Flemming is dedicated to helping businesses find the optimal path to growth and ensuring that they have the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve success.

Flemming Videriksen has a degree in philosophy from Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark. Flemming is also a certified handball coach from DHF. In addition, they have certification in coaching the inner game from Tim Gallwey Inner game Institute and coaching for performance & transpersonal coaching from Whitmore Performance Consultants.



  • ceo & founder

    September, 2014 - present