Designs for Learning


Since 1995, Designs for Learning (DL) has brought a broad range of experience to the complex and inter-related tasks of founding, developing, managing and growing self-sufficient charter schools. We are unique -- we can cost-effectively carry out services for our clients -- but we also can train and... Read more





Org chart

Pamela Meade
President & CEO

Pamela Meade

Travis Kemen
COO, CTO & Director, Technology
Kevin Fitton
Director, Client Financial Services
Andrew Adelmann
Director, Evaluation & Organizational Improvement
Mark Krug
Director, Special Education
Lisa Greenberg
Director, Special Education
Ashley Evans
Director, Special Education
Christine Voigtlander
Director, Special Education
Paula Krippner
Director, Special Education & DCD Contractor
Katie Zehowski
Director, Special Education
David Carr
Business Manager
Kara Sime
Human Resources Consultant
Liza Hill
Human Resources Consultant
Kelsey Massie
LGSW School Social Worker
Heidi Jaeger
School Social Worker
Jaime Castonguay
School Social Worker
Susan Kelley
School Psychologist
Linda Broberg
DAPE Contractor
Trisha Anderson
DAPE Contractor
Melissa Varanasi
ELL, Speech Contractor
Katy Berglund
Licensed School Counselor Contractor
Robbie Gunther
MA,CCC Contractor
Sally Delgiudice
Physical Therapy Contactor
Sally Poesch
Physical & Health Disabilities Teacher Contractor
Kristina Yarkpa
School Psychologist Contractor
Nina Syverson
School Psychologist Contractor
Trish Olstad
Special Ed Teacher Contractor
Marty Conaty
Special Education Coordinator Contractor
Tina Fahnestock
Speech & Language Contractor
Nancy Lucivansky
Speech & Language Contractor
Laurie Dunn
Speech & Language Contractor
Tom Dunn
Speech & Language Contractor