Tisha Clapp

Media Operations Specialist at Designsensory

In high school, Tisha shadowed an accountant and an ad exec. While shadowing, the accountant told her she talked too much, which led her to become a communications major at the University of Tennessee where she found her perfect fit.

Tisha’s strong left-brained skill set brings organization and attention to detail to media planning, buying, and processes. She loves numbers and spreadsheets and keeps a watchful eye on clients’ media pacing and budgets.

Her career began at The Tombras Group in Knoxville, and she’s since worn a variety of hats in agencies and on the client side, plus helped launch a couple of startups in her spare time. Now with over 20 years of experience in advertising and media, she uses her tenacity and bandwidth to oversee the day-to-day operations of the DS media department.

Away from the office, Tisha enjoys spending time with family and friends, home décor sewing, and reading, especially mystery novels. Most weekends you can find her on her kids’ soccer sideline where she’ll be watching but also talking.


  • D

    Media Operations Specialist

    Current role