
1 follower

DroneSeed offers full lifecycle services for forestry management by using an efficient, cost-competitive fleet of drones to reduce reliance on manual labor.




Org chart

Grant Canary

Justin Moore
Chief Pilot
Mary Caroline Pruitt
Senior Director, Marketing and Communications
Matt Shaw
Chief People Officer
Paul Davis
Senior Director, Carbon Market Partnerships
Michael Lahner
Operational Excellence & Supply Chain Manager
Ryan Keeling
Sr. Manager, Technical Operations (gis)
Josh Schmidt
Sr. Program Manager - Maintenance & Airworthiness
Noel Perry
Senior Specialist, Marketing And Communications
Trever S.
Senior Product Designer
Jarod Payne
Senior Financial Analyst
Joseph Raisanen
Senior Software Engineer
Tyler Haas
Sr. Project Manager
Tiffani Manteuffel-Ross
Project Manager, Bio R&d