Timothy Bennett

Director, Strategic Healthcare Initiatives at Drummond Group

Timothy Bennett serves as Drummond’s Director of Strategic Healthcare Initiatives and leads the development of new testing and certification programs to benefit the national healthcare interoperability strategy. As the former director of the firm’s ONC Accredited Test Lab (ATL), he has been involved in testing electronic health records (EHR) systems since the ONC program inception in September 2010 and has additionally served as the test lab’s lead technical adviser. Prior to healthcare compliance testing, Timothy facilitated numerous interoperability test programs, specifically the design of secure and private exchange of documents and information using internet and security standards. With a degree in nuclear engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, he has been instrumental in developing, architecting, and testing software systems for more than 30 years.

As a member of the ONC FAST (FHIR at Scale Taskforce) Tiger Team, Timothy is currently working on developing testing and certification protocols for the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard. He also is actively facilitating collaborations with various organizations and interested parties in the areas of testing and certifying healthcare compliance of pediatrics, patient safety and usability, FHIR and public health. Finally, Timothy was the principal author of the OASIS AS4 standard, a profile of the ebXML Messaging Services v3.0 specification that specifies the secure and private exchange of data using web services.
