Kelvin Henderson

SVP, Chief Nuclear Officer at Duke Energy

Kelvin Henderson serves as senior vice president and chief nuclear officer for Duke Energy. He is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of the nation's largest regulated nuclear generating fleet.

Before assuming his current position in December 2020, Kelvin oversaw the company's nuclear operations in North Carolina as senior vice president of nuclear operations. He served in this role since 2017 and had lead responsibilities for the Brunswick, Harris and McGuire plants.

Kelvin brings more than 26 years of experience to the position and a deep knowledge of nuclear operations. He served as senior vice president of nuclear corporate with responsibility for Duke Energy's nuclear corporate functions, including nuclear engineering, nuclear major projects, corporate governance and operations support, and organizational effectiveness.

He served as the site vice president of Catawba Nuclear Station in York, S.C., where he was responsible for the safe and reliable operation of the two-unit, pressurized water-reactor generating facility. He directed station and facilities management, operations, maintenance, chemistry and radiation protection, engineering, nuclear and industrial safety, and business operations.

Kelvin joined Progress Energy in May 1998 in the operations department at Harris Nuclear Plant near New Hill, N.C. He served in a variety of leadership roles at the plant, including plant manager, maintenance manager and on-line scheduling supervisor. He was named general manager of nuclear fleet operations for Progress Energy in 2011 and site vice president of Catawba Nuclear Station following the merger between Duke Energy and Progress Energy in 2012. He was named senior vice president of nuclear corporate in 2016.

Before joining Progress Energy, Kelvin was a control room unit supervisor at Zion Nuclear Station for Commonwealth Edison (an Exelon Company) in Zion, Ill. He received a senior reactor operator license from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Zion in July 1993.

A native of Zion, Ill., Kelvin earned a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Bradley University in Peoria, Ill. Kelvin and his wife, Stephanie, have three daughters.


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